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Posts posted by gem_scott

  1. i am being very careful not to pass it on to Petrie.

    thanks for the well wishes :)

    it s just a cold, he does get a lil fright when i cough

    but i thought he would be used to that as my mum has a lung condition and coughs all the time and he loves her.

    owell i guess ill just have to win him back lolz

  2. Petrie is great! he gets in some bad moods with my boyfriend though, he starts to attack him for no reason! (its so funny)

    he can almost say hello, he is immitating the phone, water going down the sink and alot of unrecognisable sounds.

    he has just learnt that bobby head dance thing and does it whenever we sing to him.

    the cats have left him alone for a while now, i think they are bored of trying to hunt him.

    now whenever they see him they kind of play games with him, we walks up to them and they run away playfully so Petrie just chases them all around the house (just like my rats used to do)

    the pecking order has always been a little confusing in my house.

  3. Yes i do agree that they look like they could hurt him but they are scaredy cats! i was lucky to get that photo because staight after that Petrie bit Thomas' nose and Slinky was worried that he would attack him too so they both ran away.

    Even though we know how pathetic our cats are we never turn our backs when Petrie could get hurt, i assure you that there is nothing to worry about

    but thanks for the concern

  4. lolz yeah i was mad but he is just doing what cats do best.

    the cage is bigger than most of requirements that iv read but he is hardly ever in it lolz, it just was hung on the wall and the cats weight on the front pulled it off its hooks (he is a very heavy cat, over 5 kgs)

  5. :D

    wonder if as far as the bird is concerned those peircings aren't part of the rest of you so it may be trying to preen you

    remember if you have a cold or flu keep the bird away from your face area, they can catch bugs off you and something we can get over in a few days can be potentially fatal to them

    not trying to scare you but just be aware of things

    Iv always wondered about that because all babies either cry untill i take them out or they just tug them out, birds and kittens always seem to attack them lolz

    yeah we are aware of the cold thing, its very worrying.

  6. Yeah i thought they would have trimmed him but apparently not.

    he is already very willing to lay on his back so i will try that as soon as i get one.

    oh and he is almost toilet trained! i dont know how but we got a basket before we got him and since we got him we just worked out when hes going to go and put him over the basket and say "go toilet" and now if we misread the signs and put him on and say "go toilet" you can tell that he is trying to go even if he cant, its so cute!

    oh and phoenix44 the clicker thing isnt working, the sound just doesnt bother him. its kinda funny :wink:

  7. he is very tame! good on you!

    is he about 12 weeks old now?

    I'd recommend wrapping sand paper around his perches initially and that will naturally round off those sharp claws - if he has them that is.

    apparently he is only about 9 weeks, we got him asap.

    yeah his claws are alot like tallons at the moment but i think i will just put down that sand base mat for a few days, is that ok for their feet?

    i am covered in scratches, its like having a kitten lolz :roll:

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