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Everything posted by wayno3579

  1. Hi, I've just obtained a fig8 puffer, had him since saturday 15th aug... What a crazy few days! I've had tropical fish for years and my partner has a marine setup so not completely green when it comes to fish...Have recently (approx 3weeks) set up a 50L brackish tank and have 4 x bb gobies who are "sweet as" Introduced the fig8 puff on saturday (slow drip over two hours etc). The bbg's instantly went into grump mode, straight up to the fig8, nip nip at his tail. Ever since intro, the fig 8 has moped around in the back left corner of the tank with his tail curled. Everything I've read has said that the puffer will be the aggressor - not the other way round! Monday night I saw the fig8 suddenly "have a spaz" and dart around the tank and roll onto his back and side to side. But then settled down again Tuesday night I was out and got home after the tank lights went out, turned the light on and couldn't find him...oh.o! Moved the rocks (bare bottom tank with river stones) and found him cowering under a rock. Decide to use a "hang on the side, net-cage thing" to segregate him cause I thought he wasn't going to make it. ...added some melafix and some Seachem Prime to the tank... water tests didn't yeild anything unusual... Ever since I put him into the net he's been really happy, I've seen the full width of his tailfin for the first time! Tonight (wednesday) decide to let him back into the tank, BANG, instantly goes into moping in the corner. Its like he's scared of the bbg's....? Put him back into his security blanket and he's smiling again WHY? Gave him some bloodworm tonight (in his cage) and he ate some! (first time I've seen him eat) but not 5minutes later had another spaz and puffed up for half a minute then settled down again... Any suggestions / comments / experiences appreciated
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