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Everything posted by mac
I am handy. But hat to have anything to do with wires and electrics. Okay shall look at my LFS and bug him for one.
Thanks guys, So how do you get a cooler? What are they?
Right. Okay I dam get it. The car has no ph. And for once. READ THIS. THIS CAR I NEARLY BOUGHT HAD HAD PH. Maybe the badge was damaged and was got changed. I don't know. All I know is it had a ph. End of subject.
I know car brands. Have work with and car fans and sales for ages. And know what I see. To knowing a 2004 ford falcon Ba head light at night. Just something I know. From spotting trucks a mile away. Any car from 1990 up I know most of em from standard jap and OZZIE and some URO. The passat had ph in it. And I shall see if I can find the hold form I had on it, and scan it and up load.
OHH well just stocked dam with only these fish in it. Including pics of fishing mags. So Idea simple that way. http://www.sweetwaterfishing.com.au/pictureboon.htm And a link were I fished for them for 10 years.
Well the car was 1999 4 door sedan 1.8t 5 speed trip. Gold 119,000 three owners. And it had ph on it. That is all I am saying K. Just it had ph. For crying out loud, I am just saying it had a ph
Tandanus tandanus is the fish. Some say 400mm some say 36in some say less and more. These are in mags I read in OZ much bigger. And looking in dams creeks ect they get massive. When they should not. mac
Ohhh man you guys are so dam blind. Holden dose hold other cars hey? And it was avertised on the page.
I have already posted the latin name on this thread. Go back a few post and you shall find it. And this was a example hence why it was used. As a huge contradiction to what people say that fish only grow a certain amount. Yes I fish for comps and rec and also in the english style of coures. Plus at times fish other countries for sport. What has that to do with anything? Oh and for saying I am starting a fight with other, others are doing the same. I answered the post in the first place similare to others. The rest was from my thoughts gather from other pros around the world which got hit on. And I have every right to answer back, else this is totalertarianism. mac
Oh well and I would have posted the link but it is not on Holden Web site down here. But they had one with the ph in it. So I don't know. Shall take it that way and change how I right it in future. Yes the Starlet I have to say is not a girl car. I wish it had 4 door. But oh well. When I first saw one I has wanting one. And have seen and been in em a few times. But since then I had not looked at em. But thinking of the mods they are easy. And the one thing I love is the sound of the turbo on it. Anyway this is a car must. So I am on to one. Got some pay comming over 1k. So that helps a lot. mac
I still don't see how fish get into a human size discussion? How dose that happen? Anyway as I keep stating and no on wants to comment on is the Eel tail catfish of OZZIE is stated by experts to only get to 400mm, but how come fishing mags show em many many time larger. Just One example. Any way, this thread to me seems closed in such as words, unless a post of this eel tale is challenged.. Most seem to closed in the head or want to compare humans acting the same as fish in sizes. So no longer posting, with anything to do with this thread. And I am not backing down in this at all.
I don't get it. How come the one I drove has had how I spelt it???? And quite a few I see driving around town. So then it is said more like fat? Or phat but is it sylent h?
I have no thing proof of the full size one. But proof of larger ones than they say they get in books. The same link posted which was posted by which I have saved, link is http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2009/0 ... tfish.html. And this one as well . The 6' pleco was just a large thread posted by our most avid member on AC with keeping american natives and a top bass fishing pro, which to me is good enough fact along with the location and the river system. For as a avid fishing fan I see many things with dad and other fishing mates of large fish or odd things experts say can't happen but do. Not everything can be set in stone for a live creature, like we say. Well why not. Why can't a fish get large with the right enviroment. Now this will sound like contradictions of what I am saying. Prove me wrong how come fish can't get larger than what a humans say it can. Like the experts of old said the earth was flat. But was it not the case. The same as native cat-fish to the upper andies are not know by us to ever eat people or whole cattle and drag them in to the water. But after close investigation it proved that they do have freak large cat-fish. Same as the Eel Tails in OZZIE. Ohh here was a good one. The greens said to the farms that tree drink water in OZZIE so the farms cut down thousands of tree on their land. And what become of that. Dry wilderness with less rain than before. For me I just speak what I have learned from other fish keepers around the world. Things in fish keeping and in everything is not always how the books say. Anyway I want to calm do. As I said before this was talk about the forum mixed with the odd image. The same with Clowns. Just talk with odd pics. And my views. Which seem to be just trash to kiwis. No wonder my local club is a waste of space. Old crusty ideas and stupid collection of fish which are common and not even bread back into the native colors. mac
Sorry missed it. Yes Phassat.
I don't know. To much bs with cars as all over. That is one thing is I not to cared about the power. Just love the way the wee motor drives. Such amazing car in the vw phassat.
How the hell did I say I am in the states. Or have anything to do with the states. Can't stand the yanks much. So some how this has come onto humans. Don't get the hell how. This is about fish not humans. So keep on the topic. Fish get large. That gets proven all the time. So end of the subject for me.
I am refering to the pleco. Which has become a pest in variouse river in america. Large than our rivers. Deeper and bigger. And fish grow dam large when they want. So who the hell are you to say this is not true? The experts are proved wrong every day. I am sorry. Just can't take this. You are a blind fool who understand stuff all about fish. So I am not interested any more in posting with you. Trust in you word all you want. I just think you are a noob to fish keeper with a blind mind, and also on what fish do. Ohh and to say humans must be different in sizes accordingly. You are just a stupid waste of inbreed wimo space. mac.
I have heard there is a large gain that can be had from those 1.8t motors. A 210hp strait away from a re map. Then more from exhaust. Anyway I want some info on the starlet gt. Above 1992 please.
Can you post a pic? May be a tumor
Right for me I like these cars, BMW 328 Toyota starlet turbo Toyota levin BZR Toyota Soarer Toyota Chaser 2.5 turbo Toyota camry v6 1997 only Toyota aristo, but to hard to get. So no. Toyota Avalon. Seen huge power from them. And thrashing new modified s2000s Nissan Siliva Nissan blue Bird attessa Nissan Primera sr20 200hp only Nissan Stage rs4 Nissan Skyline turbo gtst Mits diamante r3.0 m3.0 mits GTO vr4 Mits gallant Vr4 or v6 Honda Torneo type r Holden 3.8v6 or ss. But not to keen. VW phassat 1.8t Mazda who knows. Subaru legacy b4 1999 twin turbo. And only in blue and only 1999. peugeot 406 v6 1997-1999 2 door or sedan And still not sure? Just want a god pros an cons on what I want in thought. My thoughts are a cruiser. At least 200hp. May consider less depending. Reasonable cornering ability but if not modifiable. Don't want to lower any. Nor add stupid body kits. Nor really wanting to modify the engine adding turbo super charger if it has not got it. Nor really want to rebuild it. But okay with simple fix up. Just your arm out the window car. With a normal simple car that always looks good. Fixed up sound system. So any thing come to mind. For me I am really thinking more into the sedan line. Not care how many cylinders bare for yanky amount of cc and size usage. And I am no saying I want turbo. You can get very good 200hp v6s for 5k. mac
I get it you are not blowing your horn. Well some how you don't sound like it. I can hear you from down south. I have done 3 years of forum work, and fish keeping and have come across all sorts. And have also kept clowns. By far can't stand them as a fish to keep. Prefer Botia histrionica. Great post, and thread. Read it a few times. But that is a old thread. And up to date threads and pics have been added. So that is redundant. Right how do I start. Right first of a quote from what I said before. And read it carefully. Now to get this sorted. Some how says in some word Emma turner. Gotta go hit my head on the wall to check I am awake then get eyes check. Ohh hang on just did that the other day for a medical and all right. Don't get it. Man I must be mental. Can you help me out. :evil: :evil: Oh to true. But then again not all the time is it false. Just searching the internet proves you wrong strait off. And as for the Doviis check it. http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... ?p=2521599 Pretty good prof. As for the Oscar a mate of mine had one before she had to get rid of them due to a third kid. Not mine. Hers was 15 inch. And that dam dam close. with the Arow what species do you refer to of them? Ohh and I know a chap from were the Common plecos have become a pest species in the states who has seen em way past 6 ft fish for bass. So they don't exist? They must stay at what they were seen at? Ohh I see. So unless it dose not have a pic it is not true. In that case how many people in the world keep fish? How many people are on forums every fish forum? How many are not active? How many post pics of what they have? How many ever even post? So how on earth do you know that there are not monster fish out there? Maybe every one should post because you say so, to prove that there are large fish out their in tanks and in the wild. All hail. So how do you know what you are saying is true? When all through A history on anything and B on fish keeping fish do what they want. And history is always been changed and theories people died to defend were proved right or wrong over and over again. That is quite true. But then again have they ever search every square inch of river lake swap or water for the the Clowns? No then how do you know if there are larger out there, yet to be found, not to mention in peoples tanks? It is just speculative of what they find and record. Not set in concrete statements. True all sorts of rubbish is spoken of. But then again how many rumors were proven true? How many fisherman's tales proven true? I know first hand of rumors of large fish which were proven false. As for 12 inch there are heaps, and some of 16 inch clowns. So what is the point? For me fish are always proving us wrong. Every day we learn something news. So being so stead fast is stupidity. I have read many times Angles are okay as long as the fish they are with cant fit in their mouth! My Angle is 9 inches tall and 5 inches long. Thus far he has eat 2 4 inch long Kutubus, chased them down and chewed em up. So I take them out and he goes for the Rasboras which he grew up with from tiny. Then on to kulies. Then The Boti H. but never ever touched the Corys. So made his own tank and tried him with Corys BN and Bleeding hearts. All went good Then added 15 small Glass Fin Tetras which at the moment same size as Ember Tetras. And they tank has been set up like that for 1 year and he never bothers anything. Add anything from Asian and he eats it. To me he is just happy to live with the fish from his river. That is my theory. And may be proven wrong. But how they are use to their own native river fish mates so why would they be be bother. Yet they don't know the others. And many times my angle has proven books wrong. mac
I seen way to many blown motors from force feeding. Not me. Just thinking more on it maybe I may get a loan on top of the cash and spend that we bit more. As for getting a turbo car nothing wrong for me. But the reliability is another. I can get a older one and rebuild but the cost would come up to the same as just spending 7k on a good car. So for me I thinking may just spend more 7k. And that not even out of my reach. My play money a year is 17k after rent food fuel and other things. So nothing I can handle. Shall post latter with a list I like and chat over them. mac
I am okay with Holden, far from a Ford fan. But find the holdens gutless waste of time. Why only 152kw, from a 3.8v6 mine got much more than that and way faster, and cheaper to repair and cheaper to buy in good nick, but same on fuel. I not to sure. Got nothing against the Siliva but how can I get more power out. I drove on with none turbo great handling but we bit to slow. Swap the motor for the turbo? That is a good idea though, to many f###ed up ones around. So something to do up right. The sound of the Nissan Attessa was good. but finding one? HMM if I can get some good links on modifications that can be done to the Silvia from NZ sites and NZ forums ect ect and the club ect ect I will look way more it them. Failing that I may get another of what I have and do it up motor wise ect. mac
No I can't because some sites don't exist, and others would take me for ever and ever going through pics on forums. Try AC and Aqua hobby and Loaches on line and monster fish. some links of a old threads I have saved. http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... hp?t=40944 http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/to ... ever-seen/ http://forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php ... 41bf0d6b35 http://forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php?t=2115 I you look through pages of pages of forum chat you find them. AC had a thread about 3 years ago. But to find it would take me for ever, don't remember the author or what it was called. There is another site, but I can't find the name and none of it is in English but dutch. And the link was from a OZ friend.