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    nomadic, New Zealand
  • About You
    Drawing, Art, Animals and Fish

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  1. Hence why I said nice price tag too, going fairly cheap atm compared to what I've normally seen them go for. Yep got to love Is813 quality, looking forward to see how his Ranchu line turn out like too. He also has a Blue Oranda going for about $100 less than his black one. I must admit I am very tempted to bid.
  2. Here's the latest turn out from Is813... Nice price tag too. http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/f ... 784577.htm
  3. There is currently a Male Black Oranda for sale on Trademe for $120. Hope he is willing to part with big bucks, they always get snapped up for a hefty price!! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =495530963 Failing that ls813 tends to list them frequently.
  4. Hi Guys, I am wondering if anyone in the Horowhenua region may have some Furan2 they could spare. Need some as one of my Ranchu's is in bad shape and I've ran out. Too late in the day to go to Animates to get some, so I was hoping some kind soul may have some! PST if you can help.
  5. Gosh I hate seeing auctions like this, I hope someone in Auckland buys it and gives this goldy a new spacious home. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/Fish/Fish/Other/auction-402977739.htm
  6. Oranda Veiltail, 2 years, old so she'll be big. God I hope she survives til Monday now.
  7. Tell her to hire the services of an employment advocate, seriously, if not then the workplace may just walk all over her, but think twice if she brings an employment advocate. Especially if what they are doing is a bit suspect. My husband was put in a similar position and he hired a pitbull of an employment advocate and she did a great job of putting his employer in their place and he walked away with his job intact and I think a bit more respect from the employers as they now know he wont tolerate being treated like crap.
  8. Zomg I know right, I lost $300 worth of my breeding stock to a frickin cat. I hate cats they can go extinct for all I care. It managed to get through my fence and netting too, no mean feat and it wasn't like I left the pond in the open for the cat to come and go as it pleased. Now my pond looks like something from WWI I even put barb wire on it. Stinking cat. I lost 2 of my black orandas, I have two left though so I guess that is better than nothing. But I lost my Ryukins, and ranchus, and veiltail orandas. I was so gutted. It even got my black veiltail oranda. :tears:
  9. Hey guys, I was wondering if there may be anyone in Paraparumu that would be coming up to Levin today or someone that would be willing to come from Paraparaumu to Levin, I had a fish couriered to me from Auckland except it has ended up in Wellington, courier said they could get it as far as Paraparaumu if someone was prepared to meet them there to take the fish the rest of the way to Levin. Failing that it wont be delivered until Monday and I am stressing that the fish wont survive in its bag til Monday so I thought I would make a last ditch effort, and check on here. I would go down myself except for the fact I don't have a car. I need to know before 11am so I can let the courier know.
  10. some really interesting ideas here, which all sound great! :cofn: :happy1:
  11. Well do you think people would be prepared to travel to a good fish store? Especially if their reputation was for selling good quality and a wide range of fish?
  12. mmmmm :thup: sounds gooood. What sorts of exotic would you go for? What towns do you think need a devoted fish store?
  13. Just got to thinking the other day of if someone was to set up a fish store, what would they offer/do different than other petstores/fishstores? :spop:
  14. Thanks for your feedback, I hope someone else is able to respond with their thoughts. I too also thought septicemia, as my other fish had it a last year and pulled through. She is currently swimming in Furion spiked tank so fingers crossed she will pull through too.
  15. Hi there, Tonight before going to bed I noticed one of my three goldfish in a 150litre tank looked like she just came out looser of a recent bar fight. :nilly: She was visibly a mess with blood all over her. The other two were all merry looking so left them to it. I did a water test thinking perhaps Ammonia or Nitrates but that is all fine, (a bit worried as she had blood around her gills). Tested everything else in the water and that was all clear. So the only thing I can think of is some trauma happened to her, like maybe she really did have a bar fight, as her tank mates and water are fine. What are your opinions. There is only a jug ornament in the tank, no sharp jagged edges, there is sand instead of gravel, so nothing she could scratch herself up on imo. What are your opinions? (I currently have her separated and treating her with furion to cover the possibility of septicemia). Also I apologize for any gender mess up, the fish "Blue" is a she not he, and also sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, its nearly 3am and I have been busy making Blue comfortable for the night. Will attach photos, blurry though due to not great macro camera.*sigh* :tears:
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