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Everything posted by burgo

  1. burgo

    Paradise Fish

    Thanks for all the help. I would like to set them up in a display tank but not with normal cichlids. I might purchase some Geos Braz and mix the 2
  2. burgo

    Paradise Fish

    Can someone please tell me how to sex paradise fish. I have approx 12 of them in a tank and cant tell them apart, they all look the same. Are they able to go with any other fish Cheers
  3. Cheers everybody, Whats the difference between the FNZAS and the auckland fishkeepers association??
  4. burgo


    Can I use 3-5mm lime chip instead of coral sand as the price of the sand is extremely high and the lime chip should give almost the same look. My only concern is the PH levels
  5. Hi, Is there any clubs in the south Auckland area??. I would be keen to join, if there was. Cheers
  6. If you go down the far end of Port Waikato you can usually pick up some nice pieces
  7. burgo


    I second that. What an amazing setup. Wish my beloved would let me set a tank up like that in the bedroom
  8. I tried my second epsom salts bath last night on the fish and it seems to have made no difference. I think it might be time to euthanize them. its been over two weeks and there has been no improvement.
  9. burgo


    Frenchy: How do I test for carbonate hardness??. I currently do tests for PH and Nitrate levels etc but have never heard of this test
  10. burgo


    Frenchy my PH out of the tank is normally at about 6.7 which suits my Discus tank
  11. burgo


    I would like to use the coral sand as I like the effect it creates. I have already put a bid in for some of the sand on TM. Quacks & meesheelly's tanks have inspired me to go for this look. What type of cichlids can I go for, if I use the sand. Cheers
  12. I have been in contact with the people and they are more than happy to refund me for the fish, which is a good sign. Mine are still alive however still swimming erractically. I have started treating them with epsom salts. I dont know how long it will take to see if it makes a difference but I will keep you updated. Cheers
  13. burgo


    buggar--- I thought this was going to be easy. If I get river sand and use dead coral will that be okay. I will stick with the Malawi's Cheers
  14. burgo


    Thanks everyone, I like the coral sand idea as it looks good. I am glad I can also add dead coral as well, as I love the effect Quack has with his/her tank Quack, that is one awesome looking tank. Jimr, I was just going to get anything that looked good. Do you have to seperate the different types??
  15. burgo


    Hi, I am in the process hopefully of setting up a cichlid tank. I have talked to someone at Jansens in Auckland and they recommended I use coral sand as the gravel. Can all you cichlid people out there give me some advice on how to best set up my tank. I would really appreciate all the help I can get. If possible I would like to see a tank set up so I can get an idea. I have been to Hollywoods as well and there tanks seem quite sparse of anything other than fish. Cheers
  16. Hi, I would say so, I am in the process of seeing if I can sort something out with the people
  17. Mystic, It does look like that. I might try the epsom salts idea. They dont seem sick just unbalanced. I wonder how much a Vet would charge for the surgery, more importantly how would they do the surgery. I just cant imagine someone going to that much trouble. I will update in a couple of days. Farmchick-- It is from the same place. I am going to contact them and ask for a refund. If it had only been my fish I would have thought I was doing something wrong however as yours are doing the same thing, It could be a generic thing?
  18. Yes I did, wonder if they are susceptible to this problem. Farmchick do you have contact details for the person you got yours from. I thru all the details away. I would like to contact them to discus this problem. Mystic-- Is there anything than can be done to save them. They seem healthy enough. Cheers
  19. Hi, Can someone please help I purchased some of the above cichlids approx 3 weeks ago. They are in my community tank with Discus etc. About 4 days ago one of them started swimming erractically so i quarantined it. I have just discovered this morning, another one is doing the same thing. It is as though they have lost their balance, they are swimming around in circles unable to keep themselves balanced. Can anybody tell me what they have got. All the other fish in the tank seem happy and I am doing my regular water changes. I have never had fish do this before (that I remember) and am concerned that either the cichlids are dodgy or they are being invected with a disease. Cheers
  20. Hi all, I would like to pruchase some Daphnie fleas. I have tried bidding for them on T&M but always get out bid. Is there anyone in Auckland that I could purchase these fishie delights
  21. burgo


    Hi, Is there anywhere in Auckland I could get this stuff. I think some of my discus might have gill fluke??
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