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Everything posted by king_gie

  1. How old is da breeding pair??how many times spawned? are they first time parents? if so; one of them is not mature yet n not ready
  2. Nice one dywlkr!!! Very nice fish... !!!long time no see man... We need to catch up.
  3. hi... you will need to stick them in a tank of their own if u wanna breed them. And make sure they are male and female as they could be both female. good luck mate!
  4. nice.....finally..someone imported them!!!
  5. breeding cone works fine for me.!!!come to think of it..this is only a one off thingy!! and also it looks way better that an inverted pot.
  6. Any fish not looked after will get stunted. From my opinion, Giant Floras are more closely related to the Brilliant Knight of Wayne Ng's Discus (Hongkong). @ That is correct!!!!@ Bobby.baby sorry HEnward, NO GIAnt FLora's For sale yet.
  7. king_gie

    discus id

    left fish eighter melon or yellow crystal...right fish could be a rose red....hope this helps
  8. GIANT Flora is The biggest I have held in my hands so far!!! :bounce: u will be amazed w/ this discus!
  9. hi henward.. i will be having some blue diamonds in 3-4mnths time if ur keen. :bounce:
  10. king_gie

    discus help

    ph level acidic 6.5-7 daily water change is a must 29-30 degrees water temp. pls choose tank mates carefully. :bounce: ru after some babies or breeding pairs?
  11. sorry importer of discus that i know is gone.."chin" gone to australia... r u after some breeding pairs? :roll:
  12. immidiate grab of air and :lol: tie it w/ rubber bands, heat packs, poly box, 1 dose of amonia lock...works for me. :roll:
  13. king_gie


    any pix?? :roll:
  14. quick word of advise.. u'll have to get rid of some females and get a male..
  15. how big are the discus that u bought...cleanest advise...get 6 of them..u;ll never knowu can get luckuy and get urself a pair.
  16. hi vincent.. who won this competition???ta :lol: :roll:
  17. congrats...i wonder what pattern will the babies have...//hhhmmmmm
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