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About alien4

  • Birthday 09/29/1973

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. what about dusty and redrum or are there names different now :-?
  2. feed them to my frogs and beardies,, the beardies are nuts over them,,
  3. yahoo, i will be singing in the rain, there something worth singing about, congrads livingart park,, :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  4. the babies will eat earwigs to, slaters my youngster loves, my little rule with bugs from garden, catch today feed tomorrow, (has time to poop bad out),etc,, i have baby locusts just pm me if interested in some
  5. i second that breed bugs before beardies,,
  6. oppps sorry got 50 flyers out,, have been crock in bed last few days that nasty cold going round hit me,, Or may be walking in the rain,, "singing in the rain" doh the words whats the rest to that song,, :roll: :bounce:
  7. my first 10 flyers are out there, :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: I feel better doing something to help,, more will be out tomorrow, not on windscreens, hehe,, Shall we start a chain letter with the flyers as well? :lol:
  8. Can someone please please make up a flyer,, send to me via TM listing and i will photo copy and put them places in west auck,,
  9. so ture i would do some of the flyers, to pets shops, mail boxes etc but have no idea how to word it, picture to use, or how to put donations to info if it legal or not to have in plain veiw of strangers, in different town ,,
  10. well done for the feed :bounce: what other ideas are there out there to raise coin,, Sauage sizzle, Car boot sale, Cake sale, School mufti day, Flyers on windscreens. Flyers with paper or junk mail run, The radio, TM sales, Are there more,
  11. have another idea,, how about a mufti day at schools,, have said it in trade me few said great idea,,
  12. me again another idea,, what about a fund raiser garage sale,, every one drop off hick and hacks,, sauage sizzle, home baked goodies, things like that all in one
  13. that is so sweet,, i have 7 watchers on my locusts and a few bids, thats looking good to
  14. Another idea,, ideas are running through my brain,, this one is the two NZ mags that tell storys of every day people not clebs "Thats life" and "Lucky Break",, with the story published gets money rangeing form $400 to $1000 depending on the story,, also animal pictures get $50 for the winning pic,,
  15. another idea for funds,, a money jar at pets shops, vets, all animal places,, every one has loss change and it can go a long way,,
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