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Posts posted by KrazyGeoff

  1. Hi,

    Remove any carbon or such like from the fluval, and replace with bio chem zorb, or another product that does not leak whatever it has removed from the water, back into the water, once it is "full", if that made sense.

    Sounds more like an algae bloom. I get the same simptoms sometimes after feeding Zucchini.

    I can feed massive amounts of food and no problems. One bit of Zucchuini and "cloudy city" the next day.

    How often are water changes being done? and how heavy is the fish stocking?

    Remember that the zucchini (once it hits the water) is really just decaying plant material, so I would also suspect that there may be some decomposing plants in the tank somewhere that are not helping.

    As to the fluval slowing down, I have experienced something similar on occasion. What I found was the round part (with the holes in it that leads back to the out hose) in the cover that sits on top of the media trays was actually getting blocked by material in the top media tray. Turning the filter off to investigate, would show nothing because as soon as the filter was turned off, the material that was causing the blockage would settle back into the tray.

  2. I still don't think they have reached maturity. In the right lighting there is hair on the tail but not as much as expected.

    What makes you think its a female?

    I tend to agree with Mr Pleco Josh.









    Give them another 12 months and see what happens.

    The females tend to like caves also.


  3. Thanks Geoff :hail: Would you say they're worth the wait?

    Well ..............................

    They were not the viagra that I hoped them to be :kiss:

    Jump onto the site and look at the postage before getting too excited....

  4. Does anyone know where to get earthworm sticks?

    And if there arent any in nz, does anyone know how to import them?


    I imported a fair bit a while back.

    The postage will kill you (Postage was about 2.5 x the value of the product as they are quite heavy), but the exchange rate is better now.

    They come really well labeled, and I even had a dialogue with MAF. Basically there is nothing in them that will prevent them coming through the border.

    Even better if you know someone coming from the USA then they can bring them in for you.

  5. WHAT!!!

    No Barry White!

    Doomed to fail :lol:


    Checked them before lights off. Males still going at it but the female is now has her head facing out the log as if she wants to leave but he's not letting him :-?

    Female facing out is a good thing.

    What I have noticed is that if the male has a female in the cave, rather than another male, then if you shine a torch in there he will flair his cheek odontodes.

  6. Thanks, feeling very blond. Will keep trying to get a photo of her face. :oops:

    Just my two cents but I think you mean HIS face.........

    Not sure where I read it but I read somewhere that the ends of the tail fin of the male are "curved" (for want of a better word) and the females are straight, that is the line from the base of the tail fin to the tip of the tail fin is straight.

    The tip of the tail on the fish in this picture curves to be parallel with the vertical line of the fish.

    Some of mine have those spots also.


  7. (Not sure if this is the correct forum but...)

    This has to be the craziest trade me auction I have ever seen, a real test of market forces.

    What are these guys really worth, and what is someone prepared to pay?

    A brave HFF tests the talk vs. action theory. :hail::hail:

    This may even be newspaper worthy. :D

  8. Many many many years ago, one of my previous cats was taking a bit too much interest in my flatmates goldfish bowl, I told her she needed to put some mesh or something on top of the tank.

    "Your cat is too stupid to catch my fish" she told me.

    The next day she came home to find that her goldfish had become a dorsal fin.

    "Your cat has eatin my fish" she yelled at me.

    "Not my cat," I replied, "He's too stupid!"

    Today all my tanks that the cats can get to unsupervised have lids.

  9. I guess I have spent long enough on the "fringe"

    Common name: bristlenose pleco

    Scientific Name: Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

    L number: N/A

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N Yes

    Common name: Longfin bristlenose pleco

    Scientific Name: Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

    L number: N/A

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N Yes

    Common name: GBA - Ancistrus sp. (L144)

    Scientific Name: Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

    L number: N/A

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N Yes

    Common name: Medusa Pleco, Ancistrus ranunculus

    Scientific Name: Ancistrus ranunculus

    L number: L034

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N No

    Common name: Blue fin Panaque

    Scientific Name: Baryancistrus beggini

    L number: L239

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N Yes

    Common name: Big White Spot Pleco, LDA33

    Scientific Name: Baryancistrus sp.

    L number: LDA33, L142

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N No

    Common name: Queen Arabesque Pleco

    Scientific Name: Hypancistrus sp.

    L number: L260

    Male: Y


    Successfully bred Y/N No

    Common name: Clown Pleco, Pretty Peckoltia

    Scientific Name: Panaque maccus

    L number: L104, L162, LDA02

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N Yes

    Common name: Tiger Pleco

    Scientific Name: Panaque sp.

    L number: L002, L074

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N Yes

    Common name: Flash Pleco, Peru striped Panaque

    Scientific Name: Panaque sp.

    L number: L204

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N No

    Common name: Big banded tiger pleco

    Scientific Name: Peckoltia sp.

    L number: L140, LDA61, LDA62

    Male: Y

    Female: Y

    Successfully bred Y/N Yes

  10. Today I watched one "come out of its egg" which was something I had not observed before. First the head lifts off the egg, and then the tail lifts off and starts wagging like a P.Maccus....

    It was really quite something and only took a couple of seconds.

    They start out as grey and blue(ish) striped fry

    This one is about 20mm long and you can just see the light blue stripe appearing along the edge of the dorsal and tail fin.

    At about 25mm they will change colour to a dark blue with the light edge on the dorsal and tail fin. I was trying to get a picture of one of the older ones when I observed the egg activity.

    There should be some avaliable about christmas, but there have been people who have "taken care of me" and I will need to take care of them first.


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