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Posts posted by Zabman

  1. haha Ant!! one of my mates plays for Auckland city so I will be there, although I support Waitakere (I play for Nor-West)

    what the price of admission do ya know?>

    oh - I used to play goal keeper for north harbour at age group level, but yup, had rocks in my head and grew out of it!

  2. You must remember that the main job of a filter is not filtering muck out of the tank, but letting the bacteria that accumulate in the filter do what they are supposed to do and convert the invisible nasties (Ammonia & Nitrites etc) into invisible goodies! )If ive got the names wrong please put me right :))

    I would suggest doing some water quality checks and if they come out all good, then it looks like your filter is doing its job!

  3. Hi Guys,

    Originally posted this in the Aquarium plants thread but didnt get any response so figured I would try my hand here.

    Has anyone made one of these before????

    http://www.barrreport.com/articles/3444 ... actor.html

    I am building one but have no idea what pump to get or where to get it! I get awfully confused with all the different inlets and outputs of various powerheads, but think I need 1 inlet and 1 outlet with a venturi thingie so I think that might mean 2 inlets.

    Have found the rio PF series pumps but can't find any specs on them so don't know if they would be suitable.

    Thanks in advance for any help!!!

  4. I must have forgotten to mention that he his boxing class is for those in wheelchairs.

    Hi tried to save a shot with his foot, managed to trip on the ball fracturing his ankle in 3 places. As if that wasnt bad enough, the follow up shot hit him square in the head causing a good concussion & torn neck muscles.

    He's on the repair now though.


  5. Awesome Wok! I'll let the skipper know (he has a couple of mates that may be playing) and let you know!

    Its really good fun, good bunch of guys.

    Dare I ask what happened to your old goalkeeper?

    Not trying to scare Wok, or anything, just curious...

    New Season started and our old goalkeeper (who wasnt a goalkeeper by trade but was pretty quick) has boxing training on Wednesdays so can't play.

  6. :lol: I had no idea this was going to be such a funny thread when I clicked on it! With all this talk of swords the blokes have gone all knightly. Is there such a thing as a dagger plant?

    Probably! Jimmy the hand would be right into that!

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