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Posts posted by danval

  1. Have removed the 2 adult rams as they have started to breathe heavily... 2 days later but still breathing fast... no obvious signs of disease/infection.. other fish in tank all A ok. Sorry don't have test kits to test water parameters. Breathing is not at the surface so not an oxygen prob.. Any ideas?

  2. The fry are now semi free swimming... They are scattered all over the tank and the parents are rushing around trying to keep them together. There seems to be well in excess of 100 fry. I don't think they are ready to take food yet as they don't seem mobile enough. Will try and add some pics when I can.

  3. I just put peat in a sock and pre soak the water...

    I noticed my male eating all the eggs yesterday.... But! He must have been moving them as I see a heap of wrigglers in a different part of the tank in a small hollow :happy1:

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