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Posts posted by darkfur

  1. are dahlias the ones some people call warratah? they are kind of deep purple with crimson tentaclies and full grown about the size of a plum (look like a plum when closed too)?

    they have a sting seahorsies definitely disapprove of!

    maybe your horsies just have such nice places to hitch that they steer clear of the stingers

  2. I used to like hedgies until I busted them eating eggs from under my hens and ducks. They'll go right into the chookhouse and terrify the poor birds. They seem to prefer fertile eggs that have a mostly developed chick in them, and they come back every night until they have cleaned out the nest or you relocate them. They have a pretty good homing instinct too, you need to take them a kilometer away or they came back (I spray painted a dot on one once to check that it was the same one and boy could it home)

  3. no, but our cat lays on her back and acts all cute, people who don't know say"awww, how cuuute" and rub her tummy, and wack, the claws dig in along with the teeth, and it's a real effort to extract her....she was Hitlers cat in a past life.

    that's called overpetting syndrome

    some cats get kind of overstimulated by being touched, they like it at the start and then they kind of go overboard

  4. I used to have a cat that liked to sleep on top of the 4ft turtle tank (cosy). One day he came in as I was cleaning it and had the lids off and before I could do anything he jumped up like he would normally do and landed knee deep in the water! :lol: Poor cat completely freaked out and just stood there in mortification until I lifted him out

  5. how much do you need?

    I find plastic canvas perfect. Craft stores sell it.

    its like this

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Crafts/Other/auction-266037501.htm but you can buy it in about 20cm x 30cm squares at places like spotlight

    Or there is a bloke on TM who sells massive rolls of it in either beige or brown.


    We have a roll of the dark brown, once the partner has done his worst with it if we have some left I might put some up for sale by the metre here as I know people need it, it's excellent for moss walls and similar. Won't be for a few months though. He's using it to make quail housing

  6. you might as well give plants a miss unless you have potted ones well anchored with heavy stones

    they tend to dig things up

    caudata.org is the most amazing site for help with axys, the forum for beginner axy owners is here http://www.caudata.org/forum/f46-beginner-newt-salamander-axolotl-help-topics/f48-axolotls-ambystoma-mexicanum/

    my tip with food is to trim the fat off any meats you give them particularly heart, they don't digest it and it comes out the other end :o which is messy

    also some sources say chopped boiled egg is a great food hmm maybe it is but it dissolves fast and scuzzes up your tank. Some people actually have a separate small bare tank they put their axys in to feed them

  7. I have them (from billaney originally) and they are making babies. I am going to put some in the pond in a few weeks and hopefully there will be a population explosion and in a few months enough for everybody. hurrah!

  8. I wonder if its a real nasty bacterial infection

    I have had an outbreak once where most of the fish showed no symptoms just mysteriously dropped dead, the ones that did show symptoms died within a matter of hours. Furan fixed it, but I wouldn't go there unless I really thought I had a bad bacterial infection ( I tried some more gentle treatments first to no avail)

  9. I use hovabators for my quail and they work well

    To use any incubator well you really need to get to know it and its individual quirks

    I used to have a homemade one made out of a microwave shell, fishtank heater, lightbulbs, cake cooler, tray of water and a water tank thermostat. If you can wire things you can make one cheaply

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