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About curtur

  • Birthday 10/25/1973

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  • Location
    New Zealand, Whangarei
  • About You
    Fish, Mountain biking, Soccer

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hollywood have emailed me back and said that they haven't had any for a while and are unsure when they will get anymore through Does anyone know how much they retailed for in the past?
  2. Any idea on who in the Auckland region may sell these fish? Rang Hollywood Fish farm in Albany and was told they had not heard of them. I know they are available in NZ and am quite keen to get one for my african based tank.
  3. They can be good at turning over the substrate with their burrowing and preventing deadspots in there. Do you want rid of the lot or just some? If keeping number down is your goal you can leave the room dark for about half an hour or so and then turn on the lights and the snails will be all over the glass and are quite easy to remove. I've introduced them into my planted 130ltr tank and have never had them eating the live plants, only the dead or dying parts of them.
  4. Can be a good idea to add it anyway. I always add it when doing a change, or if your worried about using it you can let the water sit for 12-24 hours and the chlorine will evaporate. Some large amounts of chlorine may have an adverse effect of you filters bacteria.
  5. My albino poly likes sinking shrimp pellets, whitebait(frozen), raw shrimp/prawns, bloodworm, earthworms and cichlid carnivore pellets. Vary the diet so they don't get used to just one type of food type though. Haven't really bothered with feeders though, as is time consuming and in the long run it is a lot easier to feed prepared foods.
  6. You get the impression the seller knows how big the fish is likely to get and doesn't want to admit it.
  7. curtur


    Selleys glass is the best one to use as its rated for aquarium use, but miake sure it doesn't make contact with the water for at least 7 days as it gives off acetic acid as it cures.
  8. I have given my fish plenty of slters, they love them! For my smaller fish I have had to pull them in half (yuk). Larger cichlids should have no problems with them. Have also noticed they seem to be able to survive up to 8-9 hours under water before drowning, apparently this is because of the way they breathe, some type of gills.
  9. How big is your tank? Kribs can get feisty if you have a breeding pair and may cause problems.
  10. The angel fish you already have is going to get to a decent size. Being a cichlid it will likely have some personality but may eat some of your neon as it gets bigger.
  11. Think you are going to need at least a four footer as silver sharks can get about 13inchs and some of the shark species can get a bit tetchy as they get bigger.
  12. You are best of researching each species you want to put in there as to how they they will get on with others. As far as I know there is no one site which will list the compatability of evry fish out there (I stand to be corrected on this though). http://www.fishprofiles.com - Handy site.
  13. How many would be suitable for my tank? Would a pair be sufficient or two pairs?
  14. How much are the Buffalo heads? I have yet to see them up here in either of our lfs. Ive read that purchasing them young is a good idea due to the way they pair up.
  15. Yeah, have seen the primer, had some good info. I am probably leaning towards the ctenopoma /congo tetra route, but was keen to consider a few other possibilities as well.
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