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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I suggest u sign up to this site (follow links) and read over the medications. http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=15 http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4190 http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14585 Hope that helps.
  2. cheers gannet. No don't vote 4 Rob. he was O>K at school but he doesn't even back the bay and is just a professional competition winner. Prize should go to someone who is a true bay fan not just someone in for the prize. A vote for Rob is not cool!
  3. Whats up all. I was hoping u could all help me out. My Mate Nick is in a radio comp and as part of the comp he walked from Tauranga stadium to Rotorua rugby stadium to show how much of a Bay rugby fan he is. It took him 18hrs and if you no him you’d understand what a epic achievement that is. Al the other contestant’s r stink compared to my friend Nick and the 1 that will probably win isn’t even a bay fan and is just a professional competition winner and a real winner at that. So can you do me a favour and go to http://tauranga.morefm.co.nz/bayeveryda ... fault.aspx register to vote and VOTE NICK BECK. Comp Finishes tomorrow, so get in quick please. Chur Chur
  4. Hi All What kind of sand can you use in fresh water aquariums that won't change ph or hardness? recomendations please. Cheers
  5. Thanks catfish. But r u sure about the dose rate. Can u sent me the link to that reading. What I've read is "Prazi 400mg per 100gms of food fed for a week". this is from: http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewt ... c&&start=0 I was just about to crush up 8 tabs and add 2 100g of beef heart before i read your reply!
  6. Hi all Just got some droncit from my vet. I want to dose my discus. Can i crush the Tabs into food (beef heart) for my discus or do I have to treat the water as well? Cheers in advance. Johnny
  7. What about these things and brineshrimp? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Fairy-shrimp-fre ... dZViewItem
  8. i didn't think it was cool. It just seems so easy to find on the net for cheap and they all say they will ship worldwide. Would have thought they would tell you that it's prohibited. Gues when it comes 2 $ people don't give a crap!
  9. Will customs let killifish eggs in buy the post?
  10. Hi is this stuff any good for fry? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Fairy-shrimp-fre ... dZViewItem
  11. hi All This is a old thread. They did lay a couple more times in this tank on a pot i put in there. however i have move them to my planted display tank (by themselves) and currently have 10 baby discus in this tank (the one the pair are in, in the photo). Cheers
  12. light isn't that bright, looks brighter because of my stink camera :oops:
  13. started floating with poo coming out. Looked at him half an hour later. Swimming as normal. I think i fed him too much yesturday.
  14. Hi all Any help would be much apreciated. One of my discus has a hugely bloated stomach and is is in constant swiming motion towards the bottom but only managing to stay in one spot. Will he come right? or will he simply get exhausted and float on up? What can I do/ add epsom salt? I don't want to lose him! Cheers in advance Johnny
  15. my vet had to order it (droncit). They said it will be no more than $2 a Tab. I think they said one tab was 50mg from memory but not sure, will find out when i get it in a couple of day's. I also got some PP (potassium permanganate) but this is pretty harsh stuff. I'm no expert, have just been reading on FNZAS and other sites as I've been losing baby discus. Good luck and let me know what works for you.
  16. hey olly. I have just ordered some Prazi from my local vet. It comes in tablet form and is called Droncit (not Drontal as this has other nasties, not just prazi). It is availbe over the counter from the vet in this form. Godd luck.
  17. thanks kd123 Has anyone else lost discus with this stuff? Should I stear clear of it? It's just other sites say Droncit (not Drontal) is completely safe. Is that rue? Cheers
  18. OK, firstly, good thread. Secondly, have ordered some droncit from the local vet. Can someone please give me the specific doses (per Letre etc) and could you also let me know how often and if a water change is need (and if so when). Could you also dose a planted tank or does it kill everything? Do you need to turn the UV light off? Can u disolve it in water then soak food in it or do you have to dose the tank? Would like any advice but please be specific as I don't want to guess when I'm dosing my baby discus. Cheers in advance. Johnny
  19. Hi All I started out with about 20 baby discus and once they reached about 5-10mm I lost none. Now about a month later I have been losing roughly 1 every 2 days. What should I be dosing the tank with? They are in a bare bottom tank and I do water changes at least 6 times a week if not every day. Should I be dosing Metronidazole everything few months for all my discus? Should I also be dosing against flues? If so, what with and where’s the easiest place to get it from (and cheapest would be nice)? Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
  20. johnny

    guppy record

    I've seen a thread on here (and a photo as proof) that someone cracked 100. Now that's guru!
  21. Sorry bout the double up. Was writing when others posted.
  22. they can be kept in smaller tanks than Silver Aro's and arnt the same price as red or golds etc. I think (but don't quote me) livingart wants about $250 for his Jardini (if it's still for sale that is). Which is a great deal. I believe you can not import them anymore. heres a couple of Pics of Saratoga/jardini off google search. http://www.silvadenaaquamina.com/Jardini3.jpg http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/1341/p9050001fq3.jpg
  23. Heres the thread for the Jardini http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/for-sa ... 32529.html
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