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Everything posted by discus_boy

  1. I noticed that my female was scratching against the wall three days ago and i quickly treated her with some dissolved drontal to get rid of what i think is worms. I have added salt to the tank. but she is now worse I have done several water changes in the last 24 hours. she is now swimming on an up ward angle and leaning against the glass her lips are white i am not sure if it is fungus or just mucus as she is making a lot of mucus on her skin if there is any other advice i would be glad.
  2. hi My pair or red turquoise snake skin had babies and hatched them and were going great the babies were a few weeks old, when the tank started leaking heavily and i had to move the parents and the babies. but when I moved them the babies died within 12 hours. but now my male and female are fighting when ever i put food in and I am very worried. and i think the male was angry that they didn't raise there babies and is blaming it on the female. can someone please help.
  3. hi My pair or red turquoise snake skin had babies and hatched them and were going great the babies were a few weeks old, when the tank started leaking heavily and i had to move the parents and the babies. but when I moved them the babies died within 12 hours. but now my male and female are fighting when ever i put food in and I am very worried. and i think the male was angry that they didn't raise there babies and is blaming it on the female. can someone please help.
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