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Everything posted by discus_boy

  1. nope she doesn't have white spots on her head
  2. my blue ram female has now become stressed and is breathing very fast and I know that this is not a goood sign. the male is in with her and is fine but she is hiding in the corners on her own and is not looking to well. Is there something I can do.
  3. In the first pic the rocks are greenstone . It can be found on any mountain or farm. I usaully pick up a few and bring them back . Great rocks for decoration.
  4. I hope you guys saw my fishes
  5. I hope Ron and chin like them been a while for me to find the forum on how to post pics. but i have done it
  6. need step by step instructions on how to post pics thanks
  7. hi I have a pair exactly like that the trick is to feed the male and keep him distracted (try and feed time at least five times in that day before breeding) until there is a reasonable amount of eggs on the cone or plant. he my nip at them a few times but he should realize what to do and after a few hours of them fertilizing the eggs. put wire mesh around the eggs. the mesh should be a few mms from the eggs just enough space for them to still be able to fan the eggs
  8. my pair of blue turqs are now laying eggs after six months from me buying them off Phil collis. Great looking fish and seem very happy hard work does pay off
  9. i have now got a divider with them together on one side and another pair on the other side and it seems to going good the pair arent fighting when i put food in there. I am astonished. If i move them i know they will fight again so see how it goes
  10. hi I now have another problem that i have had for a while and is getting on my nerves. i have a pair of discs that will not stop fighting and i had them separated them a while back.but every week i add the male in the tank with the female and watch them nearly kill each other.they were a good pair when they didn't fight they had up 150 fry at a time and won time. My tank started leaking and I had to move them and the fry all died and the parents have fought since then that was half way through this year. and they are still fighting and they haven't had any eggs at all as have had them separated.
  11. could you tell me why as am interested in what you have to say. am up to new ideas
  12. hay guys i do have a sponge filter that is in there. and I have a cone and a flat rock leaning on the side of the tank. I currently feed them discus tucker and they are enjoying that. i have currently separated the pair. and will put them back together on the weekend. and see how that goes and I have seen them doing the mating dance as describe by mr pleco
  13. He just said to use rain water at 6.5 ph and keep the feeding up and they will turn aroud
  14. He said they were a breeding pair and they have had babies but the other discus have eaten them when he had them. They don't spit the food out. the tank is a 180 liter tank that has a divider in the middle so 90 liters for them.
  15. i bought this pair off phil collis who I highly respect. The pair have normal poos long and brown and in have just found the food that they really enjoy. They don't skitts when i come in to the room. The male is nearly twice the size of the female.
  16. I have recently bought a pair of blue turgs and I have had them for 3 4 months. they are just not interested i tried separating the male for 24 hours and nothing has happened i have done 50 % water daily changes the ph is 6.4 it is rain water. have put peat moss in there water feeding twice a day and unable to feed anymore than twice a day because I am at school.temp 30 degrees. but the female doesn't really eat a lot though nor does the male they kind of bite it then spit it out again. It is really frustrating.
  17. they have both died a few days ago but thanks for the reply and will most likely need help in the future thanks a lot and i am only 14 and have been into discus for 5 years since i was 9,thanks again.
  18. the female has now gone top the top of the tank and is only using one pectoral fin
  19. it is such a nice fish but will do
  20. what is potassium pereganate do. i have already added furan 2.
  21. I have now got some furan 2 and have added that to the water. i did a water change before I put it in.
  22. I only add rain water and so all the nitrate and ammonia will be zero and I do have her in a isolated area I have the temp at 31 degrees i added the amount that a person told me was 19 teaspoons of salt per 90 liters and my tank is 90 liters but she is copping
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