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Everything posted by firespook

  1. well that's good to know. I just thought I better get some cos most books etc say to get them. I live pretty close to animates so I can get them to test water for me when I need it. Thanks everyone
  2. true jn..... i might hunt some other options down.... i really don't wanna have to pay $75!! I won't be able to afford any fish! haha
  3. Yeah, after thinking back I think they do only show acid/alkali... damn, there goes that plan. Though I did see all-in-one test strips at Animates today. $30-something for 25 tests... compared to $75 for the solution kits!
  4. For testing pH of water, can simple litmus paper be used? (You know the kind you got to play with in third form science...) All the testing kits I've seen have been ones where you have to use a solution and I'm thinking litmus paper would be so much easier! (And possibly cheaper?) Does anyone use litmus paper or know if it is suitable? Thanks in advance
  5. thanks everyone, I'll see how I go!
  6. I got a whole lot of rocks from down by the Waimak (in chch) and just want to check if they are suitable for my freshwater tank. They aren't riverstones, I think they have been brought in from elsewhere to build the stopbanks? I'm pretty sure it's some sort of igneous rock, it's quite holey in some places, like it was air bubbles in the rock. I read somewhere to check it with white vinegar to see if it fizzes.... just have to buy some vinegar first.... here's a pic, does this rock look ok??
  7. a question for you nemines (or anyone else actually) - when you took out the val how did you replant the tank? do you just stick your hand in with the fish? or do you need to take them out?? sorry i've only just today got myself a tank and now have to fill it and still have lots of questions!!
  8. that's good to know caryl! hopefully mine will look good too without it
  9. thanks for all the handy info everyone! i wasn't even the original poster but i managed to change the thread into a shop-rating thread!
  10. thanks adodge..... i think i'll be looking at the elite ones, the fluval ones are getting up there in price.
  11. hi all I have just bought myself a 54L tank and need to know what sort/size of filter and heater will be appropriate. I have looked through posts but most topics are for much larger tanks. please help! thanks in advance
  12. good question, i've been wondering this myself (whether one dwarf gourami is a good idea) so i'll keep an eye on this thread
  13. thanks je_suis_ketan! i am actually planning to go check those places out this weekend.
  14. I was JUST thinking about power cuts today..... what if I spend all my money on fish and can't pay the power bill!! :lol: Sorry to all of you who lost fishies!
  15. to the original poster - how do you find animates at tower junction? it's very close to my house so have been going in there quite a bit. have you bought many fish/supplies from there?
  16. from someone who is just about to get themselves a tank it's great to see the steps you've made from empty tank to now! I look forward to seeing more pics as you progress!
  17. that's great, lots of tips there and i had already planned on getting one fish/group at a time (also because if I bought them all at once it would break the bank!!)
  18. awesome, thank you!
  19. firespook

    hi! I'm new!

    Hi everyone! My name is Alexandra (Alex), I'm 22 and I live in Christchurch. My boyfriend and I have recently decided to get a freshwater tropical aquarium and we are looking forward to it!! At the moment I am researching (best tanks, what fish/plants I want, etc etc). So far I'm thinking of getting a 65L tank and fish-wise a school of tetra (probably neon) or maybe danios, I would love a Siamese Fighter and love Clown Loaches but they may be too big. I would love any suggestions for first fishes etc and also (if you're in ChCh) where the best places to go are! I can't wait to get all my fishy stuff and post pics for you guys! Byeeee
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