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Everything posted by firespook

  1. thanks everyone. the danio looks really healthy, just fat! so at least now I can assume it's a girl
  2. firespook

    fat danio

    One of my danios is looking rather fat. I don't know if it is pregnant, don't even know if it's male or female. Or maybe it's been eating too much or has something wrong with it? It doesn't act differently to the others, so what are your thoughts? Are there other symptoms I can look for? Any help is much appreciated
  3. I picked a few out of mine (when it was first set up) and now I haven't seen any.
  4. it's 54L here's a pic of the plants they don't seem to be chasing them much today, but one of the guppies s hiding above the filter.... i hope he gets used to it soon and comes out of hiding!
  5. I have 6 danios (3 zebra, 3 leopard) who have been in my new tank for almost a week and we just today added 3 male guppies. The danios have been chasing (and I think nipping) the guppies. Is this possibly just "getting to know you" behavior? Or have I mixed the wrong fishies??
  6. very nice photos! and your tank is stunning!!
  7. Yeah, fish school when a predator is near so they look like a bigger fish.
  8. from the southern encounter website, dunno if it helps. PORCUPINEFISH (Allomycterus jaculiferus) Synonymy: Koputotara Porcupinefish occur only in New Zealand, where they are widespread. They can inflate themselves so that they appear larger to predators, with the spines that cover their body standing erect as a secondary defence mechanism. Inflating themselves takes around a minute as they ingest water. They generally feed on hard-shelled creatures such as crabs and shellfish. The beak of the porcupinefish grows continually, but is worn short by the hard-shelled animals it eats. Although average length is 25-35cm they can grow up to 50-60cm. Did you know? Once inflated, porcupinefish can be easily caught by SCUBA divers, as they become hopeless swimmers.
  9. I moved it like you suggested and I think it should be fine now. Thanks! And here's a much better photo!
  10. firespook

    Sad day

    aww, sorry to hear that, at least it wasn't due to sickness.
  11. cool, i'll have a look at my bulbs tomorrow, swap 'em around. and what does the tap attachment look like? yeah it makes sense, i think i'm going to have to do something about that filter, which is so annoying cos i thought it was all ok and will have to wait even longer for fish now!
  12. black pebbles from bunnings over dalton's aquatic mix
  13. um... I'm guessing you are referring to Organism? But I didn't get anything from there and my first fish will be some zebra and leopard danios, and then panda corys and maybe a pair of dwarf gourami.
  14. Yay, I finally got all my bits and pieces together and set up my very first tank. :bounce: I'm pretty happy with how it looks, will add more plants next week, however I'm thinking maybe the lights are too blue? They are just the bulbs that came with the light, I didn't think I'd need to change them. Also, (I mentioned this in a previous thread) the filter seems to be creating a bit of a current, pushing a lot of water around the tank and making the plants move a bit and every now and then spurts a whole lot of water out - it this normal? (Can you tell I'm paranoid?) Anyway, here are the pics...
  15. well that makes me feel a bit better as I just set it up and the filter is blowing everything around the tank. The plants are swaying in the current, is this normal?
  16. haha, yeah i don't want my fish to be fighting against the current. After cleaning the tank and doing a few checks I think the filer will fit after all *fingers crossed* I'm looking forward to buying plants tomorrow
  17. I love tiny things. That lightbulb one is cool.
  18. Ian - my tank is 600x300x300 and I think I read on the AquaOne website that this would be the right size filter for my volume, but maybe the 101 would be a better size? I need to work out if it will fit on a slight angle, otherwise might need to swap it!
  19. thanks guys, good info, but it makes me think my filter wont fit in my tank! unless it's ok to put it on a slight angle? the box it comes in isn't very informative....
  20. I recently got an AquaOne 102F Internal Filter and will hopefully be setting up my tank this weekend (stoked!!). It says to fully submerse it and that it shouldn't touch the substrate but I'm worried that it is too tall for my tank once I have added substrate. So is it ok for the outlet fitting to sit above the water? Or for the top of the unit to sit slightly out of the water? And it has a venturi piece which I'm not entirely sure what it is for? Does it suck air in and blow bubbles out with the filtered water? If you have this filter or one similar, can you please post a pic of how it is set up in your tank? Thanks in advance
  21. haha thanks. I mustn't have had my eyes on the first day I looked, cos I found it when I went back. Plus I wasn't expecting such a huge bag
  22. that looks awesome, wish i had a spare room to do that
  23. which bunnings? (or is there only one here.....) i looked in the tower junction one but couldn't find any. I'll have to check those other two places out, thanks!
  24. Where can I get Dalton's Aquatic Mix in Christchurch? Or is there another product you would recommend? And sand for a base substrate?? I've looked in a few places and can't find what I want I'm hanging out to fill my tank but first need substrate and a light!! I'm going nuts!
  25. I'm glad you asked this question, I want to get gouramis and guppies. Maybe I missed the answer to my question, but is it ok to have just one male? Or will he get lonely? Everything I've read says they are best in a pair... could this be two males or a couple?
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