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Everything posted by brianT

  1. Those following this thread will be interested to know that it all went off without a hitch. In fact the new arrival knocked the lid off the polystyrene box and writhed his (or her) own way into the tank. Got tired of waiting I guess! And no subsequent problems at all. They are weird creatures, aren't they? Behave more like dogs than any other fish I've had. Recently I saw a Borneo tiger snatch a bit of food from one of mine, and it waved it's fins in such apparent frustration and annoyance that I couldn't help laughing!
  2. Thank you people, pretty much what I thought myself. I'll let you know of my success (or otherwise!) after the event!
  3. I'm not surprised, I lost several smaller sharks, some small clown loaches, and a number of black mollies and cory's who were earlier inhabitants of the tank. In fact anything small enough to fit in mouth that can't hide at night!
  4. I have three large Ornate bichirs in a large tank with lots of shelter. They have been together for some years and seem totally friendly. I have a chance to get another adult. Any thoughts on the possibility of fights if I introduce a new one?
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