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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Joe

    Plants Wanted

    Got to go now. Mum wants to phone her sister, but I'm on the internet (which interferes with our phone). Buy guys. And thanks for all the helpful advice.
  2. Joe

    Plants Wanted

    I saw a website that incudes a lot of them in the same tank. It is: http://www.bharada.com/aquaria.html Click on "40 breeder". It includes the HC, Limnophila hippuroides, Lobelia, Alternanthera and a type of rotala (not R. macrandra though).
  3. Joe

    Plants Wanted

    Thanks supasi. That is very helpful.
  4. Hi fellow plant fanciers, I want a beautiful planted tank, and need some plants to put in it. I have a few already. I have done a bit of research, and request the following if availible: Lobelia cardinalis - Dwarf Lobelia Alternanthera reineckii Cryptocoryne parva Fissidens fontanus Rotala macrandra Monosolenium tenerum - Pellia Moss Versicularia ferriei - Weeping moss Limnophila hippuroides or aromatica (it doesn't matter which one) Ammania "Bonsai" Flame Moss Bolbitis heudelotti Hemianthus callitrichoides Echinodorus tenellus "narrow leaf" I would like to discuss prices before conference, so I can have everything sorted. I have tonnes of Flag Cichleds (Latacara curviceps) which I am happy to bring down to conference to swap for plants. If anyone is just interested in buying them, they are $5.00 each. They are all a good size (3-5 cm). I bred them myself. Kind regards, Joe Peart
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