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Everything posted by gills

  1. Just what the heading says. Your suggestions and input much appreciated.
  2. Hi John Rimbauer So where did you get the potassium nitrate? At your LFS? Garden shop?
  3. Last time I got rid of it I sucked it all up while doing water change,increased amount of Flourish iron, started co2 system and treated tank with Wunder Tonic(yeah really...wunder tonic) for 2 weeks and increased temp to 28-29*C. Most of my Twisted Vallisneria died off with the remaining Cyano. It seems to be a little more stubborn this time. Can you get this S.A.T from any where in CHCH or is it just avaliable on the web site? Oh, and nitrate level is zero. And dont worry everyone it'll soon be SAT & SUN :lol:
  4. Hi there Cyanobacteria (blue/green algae), got rid of it before but its back with a vengeance again. The ph is 6.5-7, ammonia nil, phosphate nil. I add Flourish iron @ water change(1-2x week, 30-40%). I have a yeast co2 system operating, Soon to be pressurised. Tank is 2ft(600mm high) with two T5s for lighting. Filter- Eheim classic external. What am I doing wrong? Why is it back? Help.
  5. Thanks to everyone! I really appreciate the prompt and valuable advice from the members of this forum. As I'm another one from the Great CHCH I'll check ouy Mike's Fishing store and I'm waiting on a PM from alanmin4304 with details of his gadget. Thanks again
  6. Hi people. Any examples of an efficient system for water changing? I know it would vary with each individual and tank but i'd like to hear of other systems to compare and adapt if possible. At the moment it's a 10L bucket,clear hose and gravel vac and sometimes the garden hose for refilling. cheers Wayne
  7. Hi guys. Any examples of an efficient system for water changing? I know it would vary with each individual and tank but i'd like to hear of other systems to compare and adapt if possible. cheers
  8. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I thought it was illegal to import piranhas into NZ?
  9. gills

    co2 check valve?

    At the moment I just have a ladder for cos diffusion ( I'm doing the yeast thing) and I'll probably use the ladder for a while untill I get a better method so when I finally get the co2 system running I'll probably need a check valve.
  10. Hi everybody!!! Should've done this earlier, I just jumped in asking lots of questions b4 I saw the welcome posts. So thanks to everyone for your inout and good will. Cheers
  11. gills

    co2 check valve?

    Cool!!! Thats good, 'cause i bought one. Don't want my reg to rust and bottle to fill with water because of a $5 check valve :roll: :lol:
  12. Don't remember it... but i know what you mean lol :lol:
  13. I bet your son loved it. How much was he putting on his weetbix. Kids love alcohol. I really have to watch my wee girl when i'm having a beer, she'd down the whole bottle if i didn't keep an eye on her. :roll:
  14. :oops: Um, I think we've hijacked this post. SORRY!! :oops:
  15. Hi cichlid7 How did you manage to aquire "15 running biggest 350L 6 empty biggest 547L" tanks,plus fish and and everything else to run them at 16. I am assuming your still at school. I only have one.(plus 3 kids, wife and dog)...I guess thats why I only have 1 tank. :lol:
  16. Hi everyone, I recently rang a pet shop(Pet World Ferry rd CHCH) enquiring about co2 check valves.I was told that they have some that are suitable and that as long as it is made of good quality silican and not rubber it's ok. Is this correct? The price for these was $5 odd.
  17. Hi Zev Yeah I tried that, don't know what went wrong??? :lol:
  18. :lol: I Have finsh. Only 1 tank (325L) with 2 Discus, 3 Clown loach, 3 SAEs, 4 khuli loach, danios cherry barbs, neons etc. You've gotta start somewhere aye? :-? I might not be able to make it this weekend, short notice, but will be waiting for next one. I take it a beer or 2 is ok aswell? :bounce:
  19. Sorry, my last post didn't quite turn out like I wanted. :oops: :roll:
  20. This place is amazingSo many different people, so much knowledge, and you all like [b]FISH!!! This place is amazing. So many different people, so much knowledge, and you all like FISH!!! (Edit Mod Al, Is this what you wanted??) My family think I'm wierd, and wife thinks me going on this site is strange.And,.. you have clubs and meetings!!! Thinking about it, it's only logical really. Sorry,I'm rambling. What I want to know is how does a newbie to this like myself get to join Totaly Tanked?
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