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Everything posted by gills

  1. Hi, have you tried Lamp Specialists on Stevens st by Jade, Imean AMI Stadium? They have everything you need, ballasts,caps and they know their stuff. They don't stock the 3ft t5's tho.
  2. Hi Frenchy 2 years, but CO2 has only been going for about 4 months and the results have been great. Plants grown well and algae has dropped right back.
  3. Great,thanks Evil, I can now leave with my mind at ease For my fish anyway :lol:
  4. If I stop the CO2 this will effect the Ph,GH and KH which can have (sometimes) dramatic effect on plants and fish. This is why I want to leave it on and use the air stone at night to create more turbulance and disperse the CO2 so it doesn't build up too much.
  5. I wish Wilson, but I hanen't got a solanoid valve.
  6. Won't that upset the balance and give alge the oppertunity to grow unchecked?
  7. Hi everyone I'm going away to gold coast for nine days(waahoo!!) so my wonderful other half is looking after the fish, no prob's with that. My worry is that I have a pressurized Co2 system going and haven't got a solernoid valve yet so I've been turning it off manually. To make it easy for my wife while I'm away I have put the air pump on a timer to come on when the lights go off so I can leave the CO2 system running while I'm away, so all she has to do is feed them. Question: Is one standard air stone enough? The tank 325ltr and not too heavily stocked with fish with a few plants which are growing really well now. All input is appreciated Thanks Wayne
  8. my condolences Matt it really sux. I really hope they catch them and thro the book at them (unfortunately that doesn't happen often). I curse them, b#^*#^*s :evil: like them ruin it for the rest of us honest,hard working, nice folk. No security cam or alarms at work? Some automatic sentry cannons would be good. Good luck with the survivors,the insurance and new tank
  9. Hi there, has anyone used this as a substrate or mixed it with their gravel? Ifso how well have your plants done? Does anyone recomend it? Is there anything just as good and less expensive? input much appreciated
  10. Thanks guys, you've been a great help. I'll have to get a proper diffuser to get 100% absorption, this ladder isn't good enough.
  11. I had Angels and neons among other tetras and a breeding pair of BNs in the same tank and never had a problem. The baby BNs just hid in the large java fern 'tll they got big enough.
  12. I downloaded Calculator from Chucks Planted Aquarium site, the test kit I use gives the GH and KH in mg/L but the calc wants the measured KH in degrees and ppm. How do I work this? :oops:
  13. Co2's going good shell, no fluctuations in Ph yet, it's still on 7,KH=50 and GH=60 so according to co2 calc co2=8ppm so time to up the bubbles per sec. As for plants,Twisted Vallisneria,Cabomba,Java Moss,Java Fern 'windelov',Lilaeopsis zelandia,Crypt cordata,Rotala rotundofolia, and a couple of others I don't know the names of. :-? No pics yet sorry, gotta get a new digi cam, last one got dropped. Might try with the phone. But I must say that mine pails in comparison to yours and many others i've seen on this site
  14. Ditto on the tank shell, very nice. I see you had some Vallisneria in the back left corner in the first photo but not in the second. Did in not survive or is the Rotala hiding it? Mine seems to struggle(more than other plants) if not provided with enough nutrients. What type of Diffuser/Reactor do you use? I can't see one inside the tank in the pics, Is it inline?
  15. Thanks for all the great help guys. I'm learning heaps, I hope I can retain it all :lol: I've started the system up and monitoring closely. Thanks
  16. No worries mate. I'm using a DIY yeast setup, its ok but i'm sick of doing the mixes and in this cold weather they don't last long. I might just have to try 1 bubble every 3-4 seconds monitor it and adjust it.
  17. Sorry HummingBird, what I meant was- how do I find out how many bubbles per minute I need to have? I have a bubble counter and I can count to 100 at least :lol: :lol:
  18. "Tanks" for the info guys :lol: But Caryl, doesn't CO2 change the hardness when added? So how do I find this out? And thankyou for all the links Shell.
  19. Hi all, I need to understand about water hardness better than I do now before I start my pressurized co2 system. I know I have to watch my Ph closely. I realise you measure GH, KH and Ph to calculate the co2 concentration but is it essential to monitor the hardness so closely? How do I find out what the hardness should be for my fish? I know what the Ph should be, does that always correspond with the right hardness? Does anyone know of some good sites or articles on the net that explain it in simple laymans terms without getting too technical? All constructive input and sugestions appreciated.
  20. Well said livingart!!! Living art for Minister of Conservation!! Nah, Livingart for Prime minister!!!
  21. Was it just the reds that slipped thru? There are 2 other colours, yellow and green.
  22. Has anyone checked out the Glo-fish site(just google it) It is stated on there that the fish are GM, how and why so the importer should have known. And MAF killed all the guys danios not just the glo-fish.
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