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Posts posted by tHEcONCH

  1. You may wish to remind the manager that your tenancy entitles you to what the law terms 'quiet enjoyment' of the property you lease, i.e. unless you are damaging the property or creating a disturbance with it you don't have to do a thing. Phone his boss and let him know what the new guy has said and suggest he gets a bit of training before he winds up getting the company sued.

  2. When I kept marines in the UK the LFS used to suggest keeping a pair of the blue cheeked gobies as they do better than singles. Dont know if it was a marketing ploy or not. (Thats the valencienna strigata)

    'tis true, but way too big for an RSM. I'd suggest a starfish (tiger brittle star)

  3. That will work, but it will also lose its novelty value pretty quickly. I've had an 8 litre nano (20cm cube) with zoos, xenia, etc., but when all was said and done it was a lot of work for not a lot of reward. Unless you really want to do it, I'd recommend a Red Sea Max as the smallest, cheapest PRACTICAL solution - but it is by no means without limitations.

  4. FYI Bubble and Squeak have had a shipment arrive - Mandarins, Chromis, Flame Hawk, Tusk(?) Tang, plus green Coralimorphs, a Sun Coral, Bali Brains, and some sort of Porites or something with live Christmas Tree Worms. Might be worth a look for those of you struggling to find new stock...

  5. I still use he Jug-O-Matic 2000. It is voice command controlled. I say "Honey, I'm busy sitting in front of the TV in my undies playing with my slot cars - will you stick some water in the tank" and a few moments later it done. :wink:


  6. I've decided to bite the bullet and set up my 630L 5' tank, problem is that I can't decide what to put in it!! I'm trying to reduce the number of tanks I have, eventually down to just one tank, which of course means making some sacrifices...

    Option A: Mixed cichlid community. I'd sell my dats and big ornate then put my 3 uaru, 1 redhead sev, 5 heckelii, 5 balzani and 3 male sajicas in there, along with my clown loaches (and probably a heap of smaller loaches!). Decorated with large pieces of wood, rocks, and probably grey or white sand.

    Pro's: Cichlids are cool, colourful, lots of activity. More clown loaches!!

    Con's: Selling the big ornate. :cry::cry::cry:

    Option B: A somewhat more minimalist look, sell most of the cichlids and keep my big ornate, the largest loaches (I have about 6 that are too big to be close-to snack size for the ornate, who I'm expecting will have a growth spurt once in the bigger tank), 3 uaru and probably the bigger heckelii's. I may even reduce the number of cichlids and look at splashing out on an asian aro if some more get imported and I'm feeling rich...

    Pro's: Keep the big ornate! Maybe an aro.

    Con's: Less clown loaches. Have to get rid of the smaller cichlids.

    MTS is harder to quit than smoking!!


  7. Hi perren,

    I've removed all the sponge and yes, some particulate matter does get through the system and back into the tank, although it doesn't seem to cause any real problems. The skimmer should remove most particulate matter anyway (that is what it is supposed to do). Just try it and see how it goes - if you are unhappy with the result just put some sponge back in :wink:

  8. Believe it or not, many people actually ENJOY smoking and have no intention of ever giving up despite knowing all the risks and associated problems.

    I enjoy mountain biking, despite the risks involved. You could argue that there are no positive aspects of it as there are much safer ways to get exercise and so it should be banned. Same goes for rugby.

    You're fighting a losing battle conch; if there's one thing a nanny-state government loves more than regulations its money. If they banned smoking they would lose millions of dollars of revenue (even after all the propaganda and associated health costs), plus they wouldn't get to invent new regulations like having ugly pictures on the box. It will never happen, ever.

    I'm not fighting a losing battle at all - I'm on the winning side just by dint of not smoking. Like every other smoker, you'll know that soon enough, unfortunately. Not even my Grandfather's bloated rotting corpse was enough to convince my brother to stop smoking, so I very much doubt any smoker on here will take any advice - being stubborn seems to be a necessary trait to continue smoking despite all the evidence that suggests you shouldn't. Oh well, never mind - they aren't my lungs so I'll wait 'till then to say 'I told you so' :wink:

  9. That is a load of rubbish... you are saying that alot of people over the years have taken up smoking just to as you put it "look cool".... curiosity is a huge part for some... peer pressure from younger ones... caving into peer pressure is not to look cool, it is to gain acceptance... But yes there are kids that take it up to look the part.... but don't be fooled by the whole "look cool" stereotype...

    I took up smoking years ago through curiosity.. and I liked it (surprise!)... not to look cool, the majority of the time I was down with my horses at the paddock... I hardly think my horses would have thought I looked cool as they were the general audience the majority of the time :lol:

    Why you started counts for nothing now. You should know better by now. Stop Smoking. Go visit (and smell the live people rotting) a cancer ward if you need motivation (or are still the curious type) :wink:

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