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  1. I currently have platys and swordtails in my tropical fish tank.. I'm looking at getting some different fish species but not really sure where to start. What fish are compatable with my existing fish that would be easy to care for? Cheers!
  2. I was given a bristlenose catfish over a year ago, it has been living happily with my goldfish in a cold aquarium and has survived the cold winter that we've had, which i am amazed. Anyway, ive just set up a tropical aquarium and was wondering if it would survive a cycling tank? Or am I better off leaving it with the goldfish until the new tank is cycled? Cheers!
  3. I'm just about to start cycling it, its a new tank
  4. Im going to get some fish today. My tank has being running for a week now and water has cleared up. Do I need to do a water change before I add the fish? Sorry if this sounds like a silly question but i wanna make sure I get it right!
  5. Appreciate the advice! How many would I need to start with?
  6. dimension 74 length, 40 width, 43 height.. and danios will live happily with Angelfish? How many danios will I need to start off?
  7. What's a good hardy tropical fish to buy when cycling a tropical fish tank? Just got a 76 litre tank and Im a bit lost about what to add and how many? I would also eventually like to have Angelfish in my tank.
  8. would something like this be ideal http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 308356.htm my tank is about 25 litres
  9. I have BN catfish and goldfish happily living together... have only had them over the summer months so far so have had no problems.. Im a little concerned about whether the tank will remain within temperature over the winter periods.. My house is generally warm over the winter months as I have a fire place in the living room (same room as my fish tank) and it gets quite hot! Although the fire is almost always going, it does cool down over night when i go to bed.. then i light it again in the morning to heat the house. Do you think my BN will be okay, even if it does cool down for a couple of hours.. or should i invest in a heater.. my tank is small so i'm worried about over heating the goldfish!
  10. how much do the elite mini filters cost?
  11. thank you! i'll look into it!
  12. hehe sorry yeah i meant small tank!
  13. my goldfish eat snails.. so never really had an over populated problem in my tank!
  14. i have an aqua one 300F-LV Mini Internal Filter, only 3 months old. Just noticed today that it has stopped working, pulled it apart, cleaned everything out but still not responding.. anyone kno wat could be wrong? Or is it a repair job? Stupid me has lost the receipt, which i thought was with the box... Anywayz, if nothing can be done, can anyone recommend a good, reliable filter for my baby tank (25 litres) thats not going to cost the earth. Or is it better to get it fixed?
  15. Do BN catfish eat these snails? I had 3 in my tank, and now there's only one left, both snail shells have been found with no snail inside!
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