Kiwi Girl
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Everything posted by Kiwi Girl
I really hope it is neon fry, will certainly keep feeding the bbs to the fry, along with microworms and liquafry, at different times of the day. I did notice that when I looked through the side of the tank they looked longer and when looking through the front they look like little orbs. It's all very exciting, will keep you posted. Cheers
Feed the fry tank 10mins ago with bbs and saw little bright orange glowing things suspended in the water just hovering there, in different locations, about 10 is what I saw. Could these be neon fry?
When you say BN I assume you are referring to Bristlenose I have two of these which I bought at my nearest lfs and they cost me about $19.00.
I found the finder the gravel substrate the better, I also have florapol in between the layers of my substrate. Make sure you use a plate to brake he water or your tank will end up in a brown cloudy mess and you will have start all over again as the filter will not clean it
Do be honest I was to scared to shine any form of light into the tank at that particular time, but know for a fact that there was nothing shining in the tank prior to spawning the neons. Would a bright tank light be ok, to check?
I must ask is it easy to tell the difference between them fighting and mating. I have read so much and to be honest it almost put me off.
thanks for that, I am hoping I have fry in there mind you I also have poor eyesight and the glow maybe all I can see, depending on the angle, but will most definataly check with in five minutes after feeding the shrimp. It is a very bright glow I can see and only the odd one as I have been told they will hide and will only start coming out further toward the front of the tank from about now as they start to get a bit more game.
So cool, well done to your fighters, how many females to the one male did you use, as it is another ambition of mine to breed one day
Thanks guys, I have peat in the filter of my neon tank, my gh is about 4-5dgh so thats cool. It's been 3 wks since the eggs have hatched and I definatly have something glowing in my fry tank. Looking through a magnifying glass and using a torch to see. Still hard to see though as torch is not a strong one. What colour should they they be the shiny glow I can see, some are a goldish colour some white, some bigger than others. Feeding a combination of liquifry, microworms and just made up a batch of brine shrimp. And no the shiny things are not the microworms. What I'm looking at is more like a micro sized glowing orb. Can someone tell me if that is neon fry or something else
My experience has tought me not to put fighters in with gourami's male or female, my gourami's are honey gourami's though. I also discovered the hard way that two female fighters in the same tank did not work either, I had to seperate them before they completly ripped each other to shreds.
Snookie said: Just exactly what is wcmm? All this feed back is awsome and really appreciated.
Fish look like they are trying to get air from the surface
Kiwi Girl replied to HaNs's topic in Freshwater
Hans said: You certainly have a collection of fish, I am however concerned about kind of pleco you have. As Carol asked along with other questions, how big is your tank. -
Jayci said: I don't use buckets to fill my tanks, they tend to be to messy. Not only that it would appear I didn't make myself very clear in my post. The tank was set up about a month ago, now cycled and ready for inhabitants. It's got some florapol under an inch of substrate. Even though I've not put any plants in yet I don't really want to undo everything. A good idea just the same, I filled it with a one litre jug and wrote down how many litres went into it, but I can't find the peace of paper I wrote it on. (silly me). Markoshark suggested: This sounds ok, but would it really be ideal for juviniles? Personally I think it's to small for a schoal of neon's, and I already have some in a 10g with some glowlights. Wilson said: The tank does have a filtration unit, extra water changes won't be a problem, will test the water perameters every or second day if need be. Guppies and a betta, mmmm, would they be compatible in a small environment? Would this work with a male betta? Or should I choice between one or the other. Or should I put my mygiver skills to work and have it running off a bigger tank therefore making the surface volume larger.
Thanks guys. According to my calculations, I would be pushing to house even one fish. I may just make a fishless nano garden out of it. It's just under 2g us.
Can anyone tell me how to work out tank dimensions on a hex tank. For stocking purposes
Check out this link to see if it helps. It is interesting reading about different types of algae and has pictures. http://www.floridadriftwood.com/algae_i ... ation.html
Thanks for that guy's your information was very helpful
What kind of ferts are you using as they tend to be sensitive toward some ferts that can cause them to melt.
Hi Errol, Congratulations on your upcoming move. Will the club meetings be held in the dedicated fish room? And I scored a beautiful white angelfish the other day. You will be pleased to know that it is in a qaurinteen tank. Cheers
Just wondering if anyone has managed to take a pic of neon tetra fry. I know the basic's of how to breed them and care for them but would very much like to see something more graphic (If at all possable). And how many weeks do they need to be kept in darkness for. Any form of information would be apprieciated
Hi and welcom to the forum. Sorry I can't help you with your tank making adventure either
Mr Pleco said: What can I say that one :lol: Carol: Not sure if I was or if it was the :oops: umm :roll: :roll: socks, but I do know to arrive earlier next time so I can have a chair to sit in. Lol
Thanks to all for such a warm welcome. Yes I do have MTS. Carol: Hi Carol, yes we did meet at the last meeting, I was the one sitting on the floor at your feet, closest to the door.
Hi all, Don't know where to begin with my introduction. So will try to keep it brief. I'm a member of the Tasman Aquarium Club. I have five tanks of differing sizes. I have both coldwater and tropical fish (mainly tropical). Some are planted, some I'm still working on. Varieties of fish are:- Goldfish, mountain minnows, neon tetras, glowlight tetras, siamese fighters, angelfish, gauramai's, bristlenose, platy, and lampeye tetra. Thats my lot for now, till next time happy fishkeeping