Hi sorry if I put this in the wrong place but I wasnt sure!
OK so 2 days ago i was looking into my tank and noticed that both of my angelfish have from what it looks like nipped dorsal fins and then i noticed my two smallest cardinals are the same but on their Pelvic and anal fins!
Also about 2 weeks ago i was at 3 missing cardinals (two day later 1 body found)!
Other fish in my tank are Glassbloodfin tetras (thinking may have done it) Penguin tetras, Gold zebra danios, 2 blackline flying foxes and 2 bristlenose (also numerous snails but im pretty sure they didnt eat the fish's fins )
Also what I was thinking is that lately I have been seeing the angels swimming around through the plastic plants more often and the cardinals are always swimming through them so I thought maybe that was another possibility! But the contradicting thing with that is that its only really the little Cardinals that have the nips which turns me back to the other fish! :-?
So my question is is it more likely to be the plants or other fish?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hayley :bounce: