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Everything posted by Smax

  1. neons i think the stripe has a kink in it on the females but not 100% sure
  2. Smax

    ideas please

    i've just shifted house and have set up my 4 foot tank again. it had guppies and platies in it for a while with my pleco, red tail shark and hopplo catfish. Now i've put all the guppies and platies into a smaller tank and my Kribensis are now in the 4 footer along with a bristlenose and another pleco. i want 2 put some fish that'll tend to swim in the mid range of the tank as all the others keep 2 the bottom mostly. but i'm having trouble deciding what to get. i was thinking maybe some dwalf and opaline gourami. also would these be compatible?? and possibably some tetras.
  3. Smax


    what type of fish is that?
  4. Smax

    Breeding Neons

    thanks guys i'll have a go and hopefully i have some suscess.
  5. Smax

    Breeding Neons

    Can anyone tell me what is the best way to breed neons in detail of give me a web address for a good site on them.
  6. Smax

    green algae

    yea the whole room gets lost of sun and its really the only place it can go. thanks guys i'll try some ottos or bn and see
  7. Smax

    green algae

    i have a tank in my lounge that i have not long since setup with kribensis in it. the tank gets a lot of sun light during the day which helps the green algae grow on the glass and rocks and stuff. what fish can i interduce to the tank that will eat this algae and not upset their breeding process?
  8. Smax

    fluval 104

    does anybody know were to buy the foam inserts for a fluval 104 on the internet or around south canterbury? can seem to track any down. thanks
  9. na thats just a pretty foto of a pretty fish. i'm just breeding guppies and trying to breed kribensis. what fish u got?
  10. i have a 37 litre tank for raising my guppy fry with just a small air pump powered filter that you just replace the cartrage. the problem is that the cartrage is really dirty within a couple of days and i don't like spending money on new cartrages every couple of weeks. what would be a better filter to use that wouldn't suck up the babies but be less maintanice?
  11. Smax

    kribensis babies

    just more kribensis and 2 chain loach. there are about 10 more of them in the tank. i was thinking of putting some of the others in my community tank and leaving just the pair in that tank
  12. my kribensis appear to have bred. they dug a cave under a log and the female spent all of her time in there and the male close by keeping all the other fish away. yesterday they both came out and are swimming aound but staying close to their nest. i am told to keep an eye out for a cloud of almost nothing following the parents. i can't see anything yet. how long should it be before i can see the babies?
  13. just wondering if there is anyone breeding anything interesting in or around timaru? i'm trying to breed kribensis. hoping to see some babies in the next couple of days its looking good so far.
  14. Smax

    Loach ID

    yep def chain loach. i've got 2 in my small tank that i want in my big tank. had several attempts at catching them but they buggers to catch.
  15. thanks guys. went down to browns beach and found a couple of nice pieces that would look really good in my tank. i've given it a wash to remove all the sand and shit will it be ok to put into my tank or will i need to wash it further? it nice and heavy too so hopefully it'll sink by itself.
  16. i was thinking of getting a piece of driftwood or something to put in my tank. could i go to the beach or river and pick up a random piece that i like? its to go in a tank with guppies and pleco and kuli loaches.
  17. hi. i have a group of kribensis and am wanting to breed them. how do i go about this? like feeding and stuff.
  18. if you plant the base of the plant well enough in the subtrate 2cm of roots should be ample to ancor the plant.
  19. i moved a couple of my swords that outgrew a small tank into a bigger tank and all i did was pull then up holding the base then cut the roots about 2cm from the base and they showed no sign of any harm and haven't stopped growing. that was the recomendation of a very experienced guy that i know
  20. Smax

    ID please

    i actually got 2 normal kuhli with them as well.
  21. Smax

    ID please

    Can anyone id this loach please. i scored two of them along with bout a dozen kribensis and some neons for free. http://pic30.picturetrail.com/VOL1554/10538023/18835074/302811083.jpg
  22. can anyone tell me the best way to get rid snails?
  23. Smax

    filter carbon

    if i took out the carbon and added the peat into the filter would it change the water condition too quickly and affect the fish?
  24. is there anyway to get rid of your reflection when looking at the tank. every time i take a photo of it i get a slight mirror effect and can see the fish plus me taking the photo. at the moment the tank has black polethene (i think thats how ya spell it) around 3 sides.
  25. Smax

    filter carbon

    would the guppys and platys handle the lower ph ok? everything else is suited to a lower ph.
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