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Wayne n Kell

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    NZ, Te Puke
  • About You
    Motor Racing, Fishing and Fish Keeping

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  1. hey geremy the puffer is a 671 and yea on a smallblock, is sitting on a custom made manifold.. very trick.. no substitute for cubic inch's i say :bounce: had two lots of plates i had HRT V8'S on the VQ and WILD GM on the pannel van with the blown 400
  2. thanks for the comments guys, appreciate it.. as for the signature glen, it sort of go's with the teritory, my last v8 was a 6 litre all bar a race engine in a nice VQ comodore with all the normal body mods. Before that i built up an HZ panelvan with a blown 400 chev, which i built myself.. the one in the pik actualy.. so it's sort of in the blood.. cheers
  3. nice work african look forward to the piks :bounce:
  4. hi all, have an e-yellow holding about 6 fry, first time for us, have moved her into an isolatede area, two days ago the fry still had good sized egg sacks, just wondering how long to leave, or will she spit them out when she's ready Cheers
  5. Awesome Guys Thanks for all the help, i guess you keep up the regime for 10 days or so, unill it heals.
  6. I was in Gisborn the other week on business, called in to see a guy up there he has the biggest Geo I have ever seen, it was well on the way to 30 cm.. huge fish.. in good nick too.. Good luck with your breeding.. Just got of the phone form talking to the vet, they will prescribe Metro for me, :bounce: :bounce: they have it in 400 mg solubile tabs, have you got any idea of a dose rate..
  7. We breed horses as well so have a pretty good relationship with the local vets, will have a yak and see if we can get some metro, sounds like it is the go.. How big are your Geo's African
  8. Thanks guys You are on the money African, i have been doing some research and the red pok has now broken away and you can see the white. I have only had this guy about a month, and from what i have found on the net he has a few other scars from earlier occurances of HITH. Recomended treatment i found for HITH 1/3 water change every 2 to 3 days, raising the temp slowly to 28c, and tonic salt one tablespoon per 40 ltr's
  9. Hi Guys Just noticed my Geo has a sore snout, now i could be over reacting here :oops: but i realy like this guy, i have noticed a lump on his snout, and a little red protrusion about 2mm and quite round on top of the bump almost like a pimple. My big fish get along very well and there is predominantly harmony in the tank, no big scraps. Any thoughts.. Sorry the pic is a bit blurry
  10. Thanks frenchy, yep, i've got plenty of airation happening..
  11. Cheers guys.. Yep any time evil
  12. Hi Guys One of my tanks is a seven footer x 2 ft x 2 ft that is home to my large Cichlid's oscar's jag'e Geo's etc etc.. The tank has run a sump (prior to my owning) and has had the hole filled (glass plug and RTV), and the the overflow sheet running up the corner removed. I like sumps and have one of my smaller 5 fters currently running a sump. Looking for options (if they exist) to do the conversion back to a sump without emptying the tank.. Spoke to the guys at the local glass shop, they sugested using a sheet of UHMW (plastic) cut to fit with a couple of mm of high density rubber foam around the edges. Insert sheet 1 foot in from the end brace against the end and pump that end of the tank out.. Sounds almost too easy.. Has anyone ever used this method, if so was it sucessful.. My main reason for exploring the in situe option is i dont realy have the facility to house all the big fish for three days while the silicone cures. Any help appreciated Cheers
  13. Some interesting points of difference raised. I think the reasearch outlined in the artice is to strong to ignore ref being able to eliminate compleatly, and the parasite having a natural life cycle, and as others have referenced i have recently introduced new fish to the tank. Prefering to do things as naturaly as possible i have gradualy raised the temp in the tank over the last two days to 30 deg C and will leave it there for ten days.. :roll:
  14. I've got a female jag who has paired up with my parrot cichlid, funny as a fit to watch.
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