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The Great White Hand

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    Familyand Friends, Weights and Fish

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  1. Thank you for the advice! My piano movers took the tank down this afternoon with probably 10-15cms of water and the fish. Everything got a hell of a stir up. Filters were down, but not dry for about 25mins and replaced about 70% of the water. fingers crossed - so far so good. Tank fits beautifully at the new place! Regards, TGWH
  2. We're moving house, only two doors down but have to move the tank and Loopy still has my other net so don't want to net all the fish (4 discus, 11 rummy nose, blue rams, 6 corys, 4 ottos, some harlequins.) ant tips on moving a half full tank AR 980 (215ltr) on and Aqau one stand. any advice welcome! Regards, TGWH
  3. Hi Loopy I'm so sorry for your loss, losing any fish is upsetting ,but to lose so many must surely be devastating. Every fish keeper can certainly sympathize. When you've had time to grieve and consider what you want to do, maybe you might like to look at you having a go with one of my discus breeding pairs? Kind regards, TGWH
  4. Hi One of the things that makes this forum GREAT is how people help each other out! Ray (kd123) has lent me a UV sterilizer to see whether it removes the minute particulate that plagues me (funnily enough others don't see it! Its there though) and my planted Discus tank (I'm sure it doesn't worry the Discus either). Ray, I really enjoyed seeing your tanks (the most perfect lotus I've seen and some beautiful fish) and having a chat with another fishkeeper. Let me know if and when you want the Fluval 2+ and I'll deliver it over when I drop off some twisted val to Craig (let me know when you want the val Craig) Regards, TGWH (Guy)
  5. Hi adodge I have a pair of blue rams 1 BN 6 cories 11 rummy-nose 12 Harlequins 2 Neons 1 SAE 4 Ottos's 4 Discus (2 breeding pairs) A pretty textbook planted discus set=up. I run the tank at 28.6C, too hot for Harlequins and neons and some cories (Sterbai are good, Peppered like it cooler) Only thing I've noticed since the Discus have started breeding (have a thicker mucus coat for the fry) is that they attract the ottos's ( a few people seem to have this bother, particulary when not a lot of algae around). I had a dwarf gourami to start with I wouldn't recommend one with Discus Regards, TGWH
  6. I got 11 rummy-nose tetras from Craig (Lambo) for my planted discus tank. Its been so long since I added new fish that I'd forgotten how enjoyable it was to see new fish enjoying their new home and their impact on their tankmates. the rummys like flowing water so they love playing in the external filter inlet pipe along the back, now the cories and the rams are doing the same thing. I sincerely recommend this fish to anyone with a planted discus set-up, very attractive and they seem to school so nicely. I intend to replace my harlequins and neons with rummys as they expire. Regards, TGWH
  7. Hi Blue Great tank as always, was this the one on TM? I've had the same problem with a few of my otto's so the're now tending the plants at John's (Organism). Is the level of aggression OK, with your discus pairing? In my AR980 my four discus are two pairs as well as a pair of blue rams, all seem to be frequently spawning and I'm over the agro. Regards, TGWH
  8. Hi BK No one wants to pick it up! Its going to cost me about $300 and my time. I wish a mover would take it. Regards, TGWH
  9. Hi Taking an empty furniture trailer from CHCH to Blenheim Friday 21st Tommorrow morning) and on to Nelson Saturday 22nd (Morning) to pick up treadmill. I may be in position to take something up for a little consideration. It will need to be pretty starightforward and non-hazardous. Regards, TGWH
  10. Hi Any opinions or interesting articles on the merits of both, particularly direct comparisons. I'm thinking of changing from colorbits, I suppose I'll do what I usually do and have both (I've a cupboard/freezer full of fish food LOL). My four discus (8-12cm) typically have two blocks of frozen (thawed) bloodworm and a bit of flake (JBL premium) and about a tablespoon of colorbits a day. What do those quatities sound like to you? Regards, TGWH
  11. Hi Great looking tank, congratulations! Are you using Co2 for the plants? What are your tank/light/filter specs? Whats your feeding regime? Ferts? I'll post some pictures of my tank soon Regards, TGWH
  12. Hi I've just put one of my ottos into isolation had turned into a discus mucus sucker. My theory is as my discus (2 pairs) have been laying eggs like crazy, their mucus coat thickens and they become more attractive as a source of food (for discus fry of course) coupled with the reduction in algae in tank (increased courgette and plecochips to offset a bit). Anyway, one otto (of four) off to new home (maybe to look after the plants section at Organism). Regards, TGWH
  13. Hi Alan, your point is well stated. certainly any serious breeder should be facilitating the development of "pairs" given the criteria you mentioned. It is so ironic, that some people desperately want to foster "pairs" so they can breed (which is fascinating in and of itself and essential to the hobby of fishkeeping) and someone who just wants to look at their pets in their tank has everything bloody pair up I'm looking to pass one pair on to someone who will breed them and If that goes well, will loan them the other pair to them so they can breed them as well. Regards, TGWH
  14. Hi Alan, my current four discus turned out to be two breeding pairs, (one lot of fry and one lot of fertilised eggs eaten). At this stage I wish none had paired up, because now I almost certainly need to get rid of a pair, because of aggression in my tank. Four cichlid singletons are bad enough let alone when they pair up. I don't want to breed them, but they are my pets and I like the way they look in my planted tank and am not looking forward to getting rid of two of them. Regards, TGWH
  15. Hi I might have the names wrong: The checkerboard? (looks very similar to the "leopard" with fry you posted on Aug 15, Discusguru)? is an awesome blue/brown/black 11cm fish (see my tank photos or photos or "photos of my discus" when it was smaller) and the 7cm blue turq? looks quite simarlar in hues but less vivid and not as attractive markings. Both nice shapes The San Merah is dark apricot and the orange/sunrise is a bright orange. Regards, TGWH
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