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    New Zealand, Manukau

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  1. Any other (smaller) fish that eat it? All help much appreciated
  2. Further investigation reveals it's duckweed. Perhaps a fish that eats it would be good? any suggestions?
  3. Hi All I've got some kind of infestation in my tank. It's a small clover like plant that only floats on the surface and it's taken over. I'm pretty sure it's hijacked on one of my other plants. It's forming a carpet on the top of the tank. I've done my best to remove it with a tea strainer but there's no way I can get all of it. What is this nasty and how do I kill it? I've got loaches (amongst others) and my tank has val and tiger lotus in it. Ideas so far: Turn off the lights? Dismantle the whole tank (not the best option) remove everything and douse in something that will kill it. The worst part is, its a planted tank, so it's quite high in nutrients etc, so this stuff is growing like topsy. Help me kill my nasty floaters! Thanks in Advance Al
  4. AL008

    Borneo Suckers

    Both Jansens and Hollywood stock these. They are wild caught, and I understand that there has been little success in breding them in captivity - still, might be a good challenge!
  5. AL008

    Hercules on TM?

    How would you catch that? The ponds huge!
  6. Good luck! I hope your lovely gouramis recover! AL
  7. piperazine is the active ingredient in most 'party pills'
  8. Thank you for such a positive answer! He really is lovely and if he stopped moving for more than 20 seconds, I would post a photo! I guess I have to keep an eye out for a blue lady (my girls are red with a blue sheen) otherwise I'll get all red bubbas, right?
  9. Quoted from www.bettatalk.com - "Well, I hate to break the news to you, but unless you have quality breeding stock to start with, you will NEVER produce any quality bettas. Considering the fact that it takes the same amount of time, space, money and work to raise a crop of crappy bettas or one of splendid specimens, it seems obvious (well, at least to ME LOL) that breeding quality stock is wiser. It is also easier to give away, trade, sell quality bettas than it is to unload bettas that look like Quasimodo (you know, the Hunchback of Notre Dame) on a bad day ." I'm not disagreeing - but I've got this lovely bitzer-betta - he's a light blue with a green shimmer on top, he's VT, but he's also got little crowns (especially on his top fin, and on the back of the bottom veil) and to top it all off, he's got a double tail, although the bottom half is longer than the top part. He's super keen to breed. Super keen. I'm going to have to put him in his own tank anyway as he thinks my cherry barb ladies are, well, keen. My questions (finally): Is it a waste of time and energy to breed him, even if he's not perfect and it a bit of a mutt? What sort of result will there be? Is it likely all of his offspring will be very similar to him, or is he likely to throw out all kinds of madness? Thanks in advance AL
  10. So generally the lighting isn't sufficient? Mine's about 2/3 planted. I went to bunnings to get new bulbs yesterday but now they don't sell 3ft anymore! SOG next time, I guess
  11. I've got an AR980, so about 220L give or take, and it's got 2 x3 ft bulbs from the LFS (they're those standard gro ones and one's better than the other, it's got a red tint) and a smaller odd-sized one, perhaps 2 1/2 feet (?). It got the original bulb in it (I got the tank second hand. I've fertilised today, so fingers crossed that helps some. Thanks L
  12. So it's not the lighting then - how can I tell if my lights need changing or are not strong enough? Thanks in advance
  13. Sorry to hear that, brishe. I hope your other two do better. I think I already mentioned antibiotics as the best treatment for parasites? Your LFS will probably have something, if not, the vet. Go back and have a look at the link to the diagnostic I put in the other thread, it has treatments on it as well. Cheers (and good luck) L
  14. I could probably make a CO2 unit, although laziness is a factor!!
  15. That's great, thanks. Any recommendations for fertilizer?
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