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Posts posted by camnbron

  1. Or,

    the skimmer is like a hose syphoning out of a bucket sucking the crud out of the bottom of said bucket into a collection cup.

    It only works when you start the syphon.

    If you don't clean it it will get blocked in time.

    You need to empty the collection cup otherwise it will flood.

    The above skimmer from peoples experiences is like a small diameter hose made of rubber that kinks easily. What people are suggesting is to get a hose that is bigger and made of a more solid material :D

  2. Irrespective of age, cover the basics. Explain the requirement to cycle the tank before the fish go in and the tests required.

    Talk about pH and temperature.

    And if possible leave some books/information with them

    Maybe talk about fish from different areas - Africa, asia and south america

    The teacher should be able to use that kind of stuff in the units for the year and kids are like sponges so will suck up heaps (and hopefully get into the hobby too)

    Stock wise, I'd say keep it simple, platys, neons, a bristlenose. The more bulletproof the better.

  3. Drifty's overflow setup looks like one to copy, I reckon. I'd just put some strainers on the intake ends

    Dimensions wise if I was you I'd go the 4 foot size(1220mm) but if you can fit it in make your depth 600 or more. Mines 1220Long x550Deep x600High from memory. If I could have I would have gone 600Deep. Next time.

    Other equipment you may want to consider (IMO) is:

    Circulation pumps

    Calcium reactor

    Now if you had the dosh consider investing in a profilux controller.

    Some reasons being:

    1. Temperature indication & control

    2. Lighting control (including dimming of T5s)

    3. Circulation pump flow control (including variable speed)

    4. pH indication and control

    5. Water top-up control

    6. Snazzy storm functions

    7. Control via internet and WLan

    8. Its an awesome toy

    Since you will more than likely have a sump look at the deltec TS1250 as an option for the skimmer.

    Lighting, yup, 2 x 150Watters and 2 x 54watters. You could probably fit another 150 in as well but it starts to get tight.

  4. Hi DantezGirl,

    I don't know any marine tank people in Taupo, but if you headed up the road to Wonderworlds in Rotorua, you could have a look at their display tank.

    Then you could can see what a sump, skimmer, pumps, live rock, etc look like in the flesh. But like I said before "don't take your wallet!"

    Here is a link to the list of all fish (salt and fresh), corals and invertebrates that are allowed into our Country:


    That should answer your - can I get this in NZ questions

    An RODI is just a fancy water filter unit that we use for our marine tanks to do two different things:

    1. Replace pure water that evaporates (the salt does not evaporate, it stays in the tank)

    2. Make up Artificial salt water for water changes.

    The reason we use a water filter is so we don't introduce things like phosphates, nitrates and other greeblies that could cause bad algae to grow or hurt our tank inhabitants

  5. Nah, sweet thats whats forums are for: sharing the information and experiences.

    If you wanted to see one in the flesh go to Wonderworlds in Rotorua. They have a couple for sale. Just don't take your wallet!!

  6. Wasn't there a subject posted last year about being able to train your fish to do tricks.

    If you type train goldfish tricks into google there are some you tube links.

    I can't access them at the moment - at work

    Edited to add after seeing Gannets post below: Top man Gannet!

  7. I would suggest you do some reasearch into the requirements for mandarins.

    In simple terms, what I have learnt from people on this forum - and there are a few who have these fish are:

    They are not easy fish to look after.

    They eat critters that live in your tank.

    They can be trained onto other food but it is difficult.

    They look pretty.

    Suggestions are:

    Don't put this type of fish into a tank until it has a large population of critters to eat.

    Don't put other fish in the tank that compete for the same food

    Train it to eat other food

    Awesome fish just not a first into the tank kind of fish

  8. I have been using NSW on my tank for about 7 months. Its handy if you have friends that go fishing lots - just ask them nicely to take some containers and fill them up before they head back in.

    I would suggest that if you are store NSW for your tank that you use food grade containers and if they are secondhand ensure they are very well cleaned out. I know of a couple of Aucklanders that didn't clean them out enough and introduced some form of sugar into their tanks which related in some storck losses.

  9. i'm going to be doing the same as well, thanks to my home-bodged phosphate reactor splitting and sending clouds of thick red crap flowing around my tank having to do a massive w/c and empty the sump out... grrr

    Sounds like you had better update this post there markoshark..

    So, are you going to give miracle mud a try? If so, thats cool, it will be interesting to see how yours and reefs tanks go with it.

  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: But I only want them to do the laundry, I'd settle for that!

    Love the pic :P

    Ira, I know there's sugar in fruit, but I guess I just thought watermelon didn't!


    Don't worry Caper the dogs are working on it!! (for different reasons)


  11. So Jayci...do you think if I could get my cats to eat watermelon they'd clean the apartment, actually all I ever want them to do is the wash but they won't do it! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I didn't even know there was sugar in watermelon :o


    Some visual aid for you Caper :D


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