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Everything posted by Tye

  1. Tye

    Feeder Fish?

    Thanks Guys.. for all your comments... the fish are now going to a good home, though they might not think so..
  2. Tye

    Feeder Fish?

    Ha! I wish... Ive actually only got one very lonely Alto (my post was a bit misleading:)).. Im looking for a couple more, but Im struggling - So if anyone knows where to source these let me know!
  3. Tye

    Feeder Fish?

    I have about 20 1" long hybrid cichlids that I need to deal with. Obviously I cant sell them, breed with them and now I can no longer keep them! I had hoped that my Hap Comps and Alto Comps would sort the issue for me, but no.. they are still surviving!! I havent got the heart to do it myself.. Does anyone know of somewhere willing to take them as feeder fish (with no chances of survival)?? If not whats the nicest way to do this horrible deed?
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