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Everything posted by Lani

  1. Lani

    BioPet Products

    Spoon, I felt the same about the price but sometimes we do anything as caregivers. I am using BioPet Vitality to maintain health after losing several fish and now also for the guppy fry and Sunset WCMM fry. They all look perky and healthy - and I am happy!
  2. Lani

    BioPet Products

    ok, I am ducking the bullets you are raining at me. I said I was not trained, only what I feel and have read from others. You may learn a lot more about energy systems as you progress through life. good luck.
  3. Lani

    BioPet Products

    My LFS sells these Biopet remedies at $23.90 ea.
  4. Lani

    BioPet Products

    In the absence of people trained in such matters I comment that We know that our beloved fish will not live healthily in the chemicals of chlorine and chloramine added to public water supplies which is why we go to lengths to neutralise or remove those chemicals from the natural components of water and minerals. Also we would not drink those chemicals undiluted ourselves. Isn't water a combination of natural elements of hydrogen and oxygen - H2O?, plus other minerals I believe. Take those out by distillation or microwave, or other means and it will not support life. Without knowing the science of it, I would rather use what occurs naturally in our environment than something artificially created which has a different energy which our cells are not able to absorb and use to support and promote life. BioPet products are based on energy vibrations that will [simply put] cancel out the vibration of the energy of disorder. Having used homeopathic remedies myself I have experienced the effect for example of using a remedy to clear cold symptoms as opposed to, say, using a chemical mix of "cold treatments" which mask the symptoms which will often return when you stop taking the 'medicine' because the energy cause of the 'cold' condition has not been cleared or changed. I trust this makes sense to someone!
  5. Lani

    BioPet Products

    I used BioPet for fungal/bacterial treatment over the Christmas period. I didn't lose any more fish after the 2nd day of usage, but I also used colloidal silver, and I felt it was effective. My Sunset White Clouds Mountain Minnows were dying off a few weeks after introducing 3 guppies and plants.
  6. thanks Caryl. I will lower the temp, gradually, in case these little fellas were bred at around 26.
  7. Brennos, I am sure that my prob came with the guppies and/or plants from Animates, Mt Eden [hope no-one from that shop watches these posts], and it was HFF which sorted the prob for me. Or, is there some atmospheric condition which affects our water worlds?! Today I had to ditch a lovely crypt from Animates which was showing signs of black beard algae. All the holidays seems I had my head in the aquariums
  8. Brennos, I also lost a couple of male guppies and about 5 Sunset WCMM the week before Christmas, central Auckland area. All water tests were normal, it did appear there was bacterial type infection. LFS sold me an AquaOne BioPet product which worked, along with a capful of colloidal silver daily, for a week. Small well planted tank, 38L. Sunset minnows, now only 2 female guppies and 7 fry, 2 leopard danios.
  9. Is anybody keeping these fish? Purchased 5 young beauties yesterday. LFS says temp should be 26 deg. as per their tanks and labelled them Dwarf Lemon Barbs, but online search only brings up D. Golden Barbs and recommend temps at 22 deg and no higher than 23 for optimum health/breeding. Some experiential knowledge would be appreciated.
  10. Okay - thanks for this alanmin4304 and Ira - it had been concerning me - at least they don't have milk powder from china included ! Oh aye - porridge is good - for some - I only have a kiwi accent and do spend time grubbing in the garden.
  11. I feed my coldwater comets and sunset wcmm alternate feeds of BBS and flake food. But have you seen the 'unnatural' ingredients in the common flake food - including wheat and soy? Even spirulina flakes have these 'fillers' in them. Surely these are not natural to fish! So - does anyone know of a commercially available food without these 'fillers'.
  12. Lani

    Pond cleaner

    [email protected] is the email address of the supplier.
  13. Lani

    Pond cleaner

    Hi ken - I bought Magic Pond Sucker through TradeMe last year. A Palmers garden centre in Wellington area sells them online. I can give you their email address later this evening.
  14. great news alanmin4304, I feel confident about it now. The 3 are growing fast outside, have seen them happily nibbling at the algae on the side of their pond. Spoke to my local LFS owner today & he keeps Sunset Minnows outside ok in a colder area of Auckland. Caryl I love the iced over look! My comet's pond quite regularly has cats fall into it, and has had a dog in too - its only about 1m wide x 1.3 long x 40cm deep & I will soon be using the aquapro magic pond sucker to desludge it from 10 yrs+ sludge. I hear these little suckers are effective.There was spawning happening 2 weeks ago, so am delaying it .
  15. I have a question re winter / ponds hoping someone can answer for me. Will White Cloud Mountain Minnow be ok outdoors? Last month set up a container pond, 38L, planted, airline hanging out my kitchen window for the sponge filter - with 3 Sunset minnows, but I am nervous about them surviving. Some info says WCMM live in temps 5-30 deg. [yeah I know they originated from mountain streams] No frosts where I live. Pond facing south, at present getting about 3 hours sunlight but will need to move it to get sun during winter. Any comments from you wonderful quick-witted fishkeepers? :-?
  16. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm ... cleid=2689
  17. thanks evilknieval69. I recall when I was looking for lighting that plants needed bright daylight, ie 6500K, if I find the site I will post it.
  18. what's the relationship between bright daylight, eg 6500 kelvin in an energy saving bulb and lumens and lux?
  19. Tanichthys albonubes - well actually SUNSET White Cloud Mountain Minnows.
  20. The minnows are loving the flow of water, pipe is resting on surface. thanks.
  21. Thanks Caryl. Always wondered about this, as it is not clear on the packaging. I will play around with it
  22. I have a question re sponge filters. Am using one in a small planted pond feature, about 38 litres with 3 young Sunset Minnows. Should the air be forcing water to bubble out of the air pipe and then be returned to the pond, i.e. it is now filtered 'clean'? water. Also, how high above surface water level should the outlet pipe be?
  23. yes! thanks for that matthewY. I will check it out
  24. matthewY, I just had a look at the image link you posted of the Meteor Minnows - really nice fins, yes a bit bigger than on the Sunset Minnows, but more colour in the body of the SM. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Meteorminnow3.jpg
  25. Pics here, although not good as close-ups. http://www.omegacommunications.co.nz/Page60.html You can see their red tails are perhaps a bit longer than WCMM. There is a closeup of one of the females. They are darker salmon colour under lights.
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