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Posts posted by fattythecatty

  1. :cry: Well, Bruce went back today and in his place we now have 3 Rummy nosed tetras. But Bruce is a great fish and if I ever get a really big tank I'm certainly gonna get a Bruce or 2. Anyway while I was there I noticed a beautiful 3 spot gourami, do they get along with other gouramis? Oh, make me stop!!! So many lovely fish!!!! I think I have a problem!!
  2. Hi, spoke to my local fish shop guy this morning, he says that in the average aquarium environment they don't usually get much bigger than 15cms, our guy is about 6cm. He is quite happy to take him back if he out grows our current tank and if we don't want to upgrade to a bigger one. He's a lovely, friendly shark, am attached to him already, is thee any chance he can stay with us?

  3. My son came home today with 6 neons and a Bala Shark! Now I discover that Bruce the shark is going to be quite a big fish and he likes hanging out with his own kind. So far he seems to be quite a friendly guy and has made friends with our lemon tetras which is funny to watch. Hope he's not going to be too lonely otherwise I'll end up with another tank and some more sharks!!!

  4. The new tank has

    2 pearl gouramis

    3 lemon tetras

    and 2 gorgeous peppered corys

    but I feel I need something more, preferably with colour!!

    The old tank 3 fantail goldies, 1 blackmoor,

    3 zebra danios

    and 1 bronze catfish

    with the temp turned down as low as the tropicals can stand I might add.

    These guys are have just moved to a bigger tank as the goldfish are growing fast and I've met a lionhead I just have to have(I'm sure you all know how that is!!!!).

    So I'm left with an empty little tank, 40' by30'by30 that I'm thinking just might be perfect for a pair of Bettas. what do you think?

    Cheers Tracey

  5. I have a 110l tank, only about 3 months old. Every thing is going fine with no fish loss so far, fingers crossed. Anyway in the tank are

    2 pearl gourami

    3 lemon tetra and

    2 peppered catfish

    But i think I need something more, seem to be lacking a little colour.

    Any suggestions?

    Much appreciated

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