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    Fish :P

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  1. Thanks for the replies, How long after treating with prazi should I start the treatment in the food? Does it matter if it slightly overlaps?
  2. What sort of food is it best mixed with?
  3. Hey, It's been a very long time since I've been on here....Hello again! I introduced a sick fish(discus) about a month ago with hexamita (found this out after the fact) to my tank without Quarantining it!!!! :evil: I could kick myself over and over but its too late now.... Anyhoo I euthanized the sick fish as it was very skinny and not eating so I felt it was the most humane thing to do, I am now worried about my other 3 3inch ish sized discus, all currently eating and fat and healthy looking. I have had these ones about a year... my ph is about 6.7ish 200ltr tank (will upgrade at some stage if we get through this) planted, drift wood etc, other fish cardinals, clown loaches, congos, albino brislenoses, 1 kuhli and a panda cory, all been in together for a yearish. They are feed tetracolour granuals and frozen bloodworm, and have recently started feeding them a frozen pea mix with a garlic additive. They have been wormed in the last two weeks also, as I thought the sick one had tape worm. They get a 25-50% water change at least weekly. I noticed a whitish looking poo from the largest one a few nights ago so I'm thinking it's the best idea to treat the tank to attempt to sort the problem before it gets to bad. Do you think this is the best thing to do? What is the Metronidazole routine? (dose rate, length and water changes etc)? Would be great to get an answer asap as I would like to ge the treatment from the vet tomorrow. Thanks in advance, Tam
  4. TimTam22


    they are back on the lists this week
  5. Should be sweet, I had mine in with similar fish!
  6. TimTam22


    Was there zebra ones by any chance? I work at a fish shop and they haven't been on the lists ive seen for weeks
  7. TimTam22


    Same here, no one seems to have any though
  8. TimTam22


    Have you talked to ben at hutt pets at all? He was looking at getting a heap of them too (for the new sumps) so maybe you can get a better price through them since the order will be so big
  9. i brought some off the seller a couple weeks ago, its great healthy stuff, my turtles have been loving hanging around in it .......way more delivered than i thought i was buying and it got there very quickly!!!
  10. why? mine are in a tank with sand substrate
  11. leave them. Move the parents after the fry have grown up or been eaten then start again....thats what i would do anyway
  12. lol sounds like fun hehe.....yea hutt pets may do it... i'd hate for you to get back though and someone sold one of your fish or worse die while your away :roll: gud luck anyway....i wish i had room and a big enough tank
  13. just leave it in there, i chuck in two at a time with mine
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