does the sun catch your tank? is it near a window? that can do it? there maybe certain times ofthe year when it`s directly shining on it...
Put some dark card or something around where the sun catches it...
If it isn`t, try putting willow sticks in the substrate, when they root, they absorb the algae out of the water...
saves messing with chemicals or upsetting water perameters...
just a thought..
Just a note....
Chinese algae eater...fine when they get older they get very territorial and agressive....had to move mine in with cichlids....wouldn`t recommend them...the siamese is much more placid....
ah yes...that`s why my two had to be confiscated by me...if you`d seen the dreadful condition their tank was in....All happy now, they even recognise me!! (sorry, hi-jacked thread....)
Right!! Tested out my blacklight in my tank.....
All you can actually see is the bacterial bloom...invisible in normal although the fish dont glow, i can see how healthy my tanks are!!!
Cool!! ONE point.....NEVER TAKE BLACKLIGHT INTO THE KITCHEN UNLESS YOU`RE PREPARED TO GET THE BLEACH OUT AND SCRUB THE WHOLE DARN THING!!! EEEeeeeK..... bacteria does really glow in the dark...and i thought my kitchen was soooo clean!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
Fungus is like cottonwool balls on fins and stuff....usually because of poor water quality....
Corys need to be kept in groups of 4 or more to keep them happy btw....
Treat them before adding to new tank....don`t know your meds...interpet do one...No8...
Your tank should`ve been cycling for longer than a few days...No fish should be added for quite a while...unless the tank was cloned from another need water testing kits too....
We all learn from our mistakes and i`ve made plenty...You need to look up or read about fishkeeping before setting up a tank really.....
Redness in gills caused by bacterial infection isn`t it?? Have you checked if there are any red streaks in the fins too?
Salt can be good for cured two of my `rescue fish` I`m keeping them now.....
i`m having stew and dumplings for tea tonight, followed by treacle tart...mmm
Off to the `chippy` now for haddock, chips and mushy peas....with salt, vinegar and tomato sauce, washed down with Dandelion&Burdock pop!! mmmmm