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Posts posted by purplecatfish

  1. Everything is fine, no problems.

    Ambulia will produce red pigments when the light is right. Basically your plants are producing carotenoids (red photosynthetic pigments) to capture other wavelengths of light. The plant that is curving over is trying to get it's roots into the substrate, it should start to produce side shoots soon.

  2. Mystic wrote:

    I am a Pacman Ghost.

    I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don't appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do so, I get to where I wanted to be.

    (If you were not a Pacman Ghost you would be Pacman.)

    Me too.

    Reminds me about that joke of going nighclubbing, running around in the dark, looking for pills, and running away from ghosts...

    ...nah video games never affected me. :lol:

  3. Well it's been one of those weeks for the killies.

    Bad news -It started with the cover being left off one of the tanks and both male and one female nigerianus gold jumping out. I'm sure the cat got them because he was mooching around at the back of the tank. :cry:

    Bad news -Then I found one of the gardeneri blue females dead from dropsy, she looked perfectly fine two days earlier. :cry:

    Good News- there's at least two fry of different ages in the blue's tank. Given that the tank is 3ft stuffed full of plants and I wasn't actively trying to breed them I'm totally stoked.

    :bounce: :bounce:

    Does anyone need three nigerianus gold females? They're free to a good home as they were given to me in the first place.

  4. Hi,

    The places I've found them are:

    Titirangi Beach, the stream just before the bridge to the kids playground.

    Mill Bay (Cornwallis), the streams just before the bridge.

    All you need is a net and to jump into the streams where the grass hangs into the water. Sweep the net just under the overhanging grass and you should get some.

    Mine just eat the left over flake, blood worms or tubifex worms that I feed other fish.

  5. The grey male with blue body and tail is the grandfather of a lot of the blue tail blondes. He's got a red spot in his tail.

    The blond male with the red tail is the last of a potential strain I was thinking about but I decided to go for the bue tail as I haven't seen anything in the shops like it.

    They haven't been line bred as I wanted to use the survival of the fittest strategy.

    However I'm thinking of giving up on guppies as they create a lot of work.

  6. The white ones are my new strain that I'm working on. I had a snow guppy appear one generation back and I crossed her with one of the blue tailed blondes. The fry have a black tail fin and are just starting to show blue highlights on the tail/body. They have normal eyes with a gold ring.

  7. It could be the age of your tubes as they lose lumens over time. or you might need more lamps.

    But lamps for plants often look dim to human eyes due to the lack of green in their spectrum. And conversely a bright light to human eyes can have low photosynthetic usuable light and therefore 'appear dim to plants'.

  8. If you want it to look like daylight you need a lamp with a colour rendering index of 100. I'm guessing that the 865 and 965 ratings are CRI of 86.5 and 96.5

    Take a look at:


    Before you get bogged down in the technical stuff and give up, scroll down to the tables to see all the different ways that you can compare lamps.

    There's lumens (the amount of light), efficiency, CRI, etc. But remember The light spectrum that you perceive is different to that of plants because we are hard wired to see green and plants want red and blue for photosynthesis. so when Alan says:

    combination of growlux type tubes and cool white

    he's onto a good combination for your tank. The growlux is ideal for plant growth and the cool white is ideal for your vision"

  9. As the subjest says, is there anyone in Auckland who has Hi Fin Swordtails? What colours are they?

    I've got a nice lyretail female that I want to breed with to get some Lyretail Males. But from what I've been reading, my lyretail male won't be able to breed because of his oversized gynopodium.

  10. Try looking for:

    New Zealand Freshwater Fishes,

    a natural history and guide;

    By R.M. McDowall

    Revised edition 1990

    ISBN 0 7900 0022 9

    Also try putting "McDowall" in a search on TradeMe and select 'email me new listings'.

    There are two other books by McDowall which are almost the same. One is the Mobil NZ Nature Series (reprinted in 1992) ISBN 0 7900 0255 8 and the other is the Reed NZ Nature Series (2001) ISBN 0 7900 0781 9.

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