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ken loach

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Everything posted by ken loach

  1. heya guys here is the progress on my tank - your advice would be greatly appreciated as i have a few questions... ok here it is... white spot killed off quite a few of my fish... body count : x2 rummy noses x4 clown loaches i managed to treat my tank in time to save : x2 zodiac loaches x 10 rummys (who were all pretty much riddled with white spot) x1 pleco x2 kribs lucky i noticed all of this happening two nights before i went away to japan for 10 days!! that woulda seriously sucked coming home to a tank of dead fish. this is really embaressing - but being a newbie i didnt quite understand the importance of cleaning the sponges in my filter - so i cleaned em (after 1 year - no doubt this didnt help my situation!!!). the medium is next on my list - cleaning both of these in tank water of course. wondering why white spot struck, the lack of a clean filter and the introduction of a pleco come to mind. so everything seems cool now. apart from one seriously stressed looking female krib. she is hiding and being bullied by the male krib and looks all pale and unhappy. any ideas why????? i also bought a stone cleaning device too and i am going to put that to use. needless to say this has been a massive learning curve for me towards becoming a better fish keeper. ideas on krib issues and further key tips on anything i can do at this point? tank was first dosed about 13 days ago. cheers!
  2. heeeelp!!!! my rummy noses are dying!!! what should i do???
  3. right just got it sorted! this is what you do go to mitre 10 mega (i went to the one on lincoln rd west ak) go to the plumbing section and purchase a rubber tap fitting (like the ones on the shower head hose i mentioned - except here you can buy them on thier own for $6.00 saving $8.00 on the crappy shower head thing) then in the same section they got see thru rubber hoses on big reels - you choose your length (i got 8 metres) and they cut it off for ya...they got it in diff diameters too, so check it in regard to the plastic bit on the end of the rubber tap fitting that slips into it and make sure it fits... and bingo go a very effecting hose for filling up the tank - mine works sweet! you can't turn the water on too high or the rubber bit pops off the tap tho...so test it to see how strong you can have your water on! this cost me about $25 stress over!!!
  4. yeah also found one at an outlet of "the plastic box" - it's like a rubber sheath thing that you slide onto the tap nozzle and it has a hose coming off it that has a shower head thing on the end not ideal and about 14 bucks - and yes, it keep popping off the tap then you gotta go get the hose and stick it on so far the cloth hose with the silcone job from bunnings sounds the best... i rang jansens and hollywood - they said they used to import the exact thing i want but stopped bringing them in why - i don't know thanks for your reactions people! someone could make some cash, there's an "untapped" market right there... *yuk yuk yuk* 8)
  5. ie - I cant just pump in water from a regular garden tap
  6. I am trying to track down a long length of hose with a rubber fitting on the end that will plug onto the end of a regular sink tap. This is so I can make filling up my tank alot easier and have access to water at the right temp for my tank... Might seem fairly simple...but it's not! Have discovered the rubber fitting bit - on makeshift shower heads at placemakers :o/ and the hose is like one metre long...I need at least 8 metres... Any sudgestions on what I could use or where I could buy something like this from? Anyone had this same problem?
  7. sorry about the atrocious lighting :roll: the water isnt green at all...its real clean - what do you think???
  8. cheers bro! oh and in answer to ya question about fish swimming thru the fake plants...yeah they seem to dig it! and cheers aaron, onto that one about soaking wood, tank is looking well wicked now! shots on tomoz! (and i don't mean yagermeister )
  9. yo peeps phase one has begun and it's alread looking good! even the rummy noses are schooling instead of swimming around all confused - hehe musta been my lame interioir decorating sense ;o) have moved all the plants with the jungle leaves into one corner and covered up the filter and thermometer moved the light brown leafy thing growing up from the ground next to easter island and the one with the multi pronged leaves (that looks like you know what ;o) over to the kribs cave am gonna 86 the easter island, get a big piece of wood for the centre of the tank and do the back slope thing... and at some point when i can be bothered a backing sheet! already looking beter tho! cheers! will post shots once its done
  10. HAHAHAHAHA yeah man they are fake 100% plastic LOL the pleco destroys anything in sight that's real plant matter
  11. tank wideshot (please excuse shockin photography) tank wideshot two tankwideshot three pleco usually chills out on the back of easter island statue (so cheesy) tank right - this is where clowns hang out usually tank left - this is where kribs hang out usually
  12. fish are all really nicely sized, all about the same really...the rummys are pretty small
  13. ba hahahahaha got some photos up soon love some feedback
  14. will post up shots tomoz so you can tell me how stink my tank is
  15. wicked thanks caryl! i fully realise that the clown loaches and pleco are going to get real big...am keen to deal with that problem when it arises - purely because i am really happy with the broad range community i have in there now... so that aside...is it too many fish for the size still? ps cheers for the link to the clown loach site!
  16. greetings FNZAS peeps! have a few things here that i would love some info/feedback on in my tank i have : x4 clow loaches x2 kribs x16 odd rummy nose tetras x2 zodiac loaches x1 pleco tank is about 118 litres - questions 1) do i have too many fish for the size do you think? 2) the clown loaches don't seem to be schooling together much - should this be something to worry about? the dominant figure in the tank is defo the male krib...this in mind i have tried to allocate areas in my tank - to the left is a cave for the kribs to the right is a little cave for the clown loaches etc covered by plants. thoughts or sudgestions on how i could make my tank better are greatly appreciated! cheers! :bounce:
  17. i hope this is the right place to post...here goes... ok so i have got a community tank, x2 kribs x2 zodiac loaches x2 clowns and a pleco plus the addition of 3 blue gouramis tank is about 118 litres everything was sweet, then i added two female blue gourami's - one was dominating the other one... so it was sudgested to me by my fish store i get a male so i got one...now the dominant female is being agressive to both your sudgestions please on what i could do? take em back and get something more suitable? soldier on? what do you guys think... cheers! 8)
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