Hi guys!
I have a fluval 104 and a 120 litre tank
I have a bunch of rummy nose tetra's, a pleco, x2 zodiac loaches, x2 kribs and one hatchet fish
For years now I have been running biological ceramic tubes type media in my filter in both of the two drawers of my filter
Things have been pretty sweet with the tank although it tends to go a slight shade of green from time to time
I am looking at changing my media
I just went into the pet store to buy some of the same stuff I always use and started thinking about my options
I rang Hollywood fish farm and the dude on the phone explained my options to me - filter wool etc - unfortunately this conversation left me completely confused and I really need some help from the people on the boards here as to what my options are and what should be getting...
Would another load of what I have got here fix my slightly green tank water issue? Could it be that the old media has just had it? FYI tank is out of the sun and gets a water change every two weeks so thats not the issue...
Filter wool sounds like an option but you have to change this every two weeks and it slows down the flow of water?? I really don't understand...I must have been winging it up till now!
Your help on this is greatly appreciated