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ken loach

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Everything posted by ken loach

  1. heya stella thanks heaps for your help the tank is out of the sun though not in it
  2. Hi guys! I have a fluval 104 and a 120 litre tank I have a bunch of rummy nose tetra's, a pleco, x2 zodiac loaches, x2 kribs and one hatchet fish For years now I have been running biological ceramic tubes type media in my filter in both of the two drawers of my filter Things have been pretty sweet with the tank although it tends to go a slight shade of green from time to time I am looking at changing my media I just went into the pet store to buy some of the same stuff I always use and started thinking about my options I rang Hollywood fish farm and the dude on the phone explained my options to me - filter wool etc - unfortunately this conversation left me completely confused and I really need some help from the people on the boards here as to what my options are and what should be getting... Would another load of what I have got here fix my slightly green tank water issue? Could it be that the old media has just had it? FYI tank is out of the sun and gets a water change every two weeks so thats not the issue... Filter wool sounds like an option but you have to change this every two weeks and it slows down the flow of water?? I really don't understand...I must have been winging it up till now! Your help on this is greatly appreciated
  3. LOL wow man it's really interesting how so many people are baffled by the same thing!
  4. calm in what way... it's only 115 litres so i guess there is no escaping the pump "rip" as such
  5. ok this is one i have thought about for a while and just can't work out... at times i will notice that all my fish will swarm around one area in the tank...it's pretty much always the same spot... at first i was wondering if there was a dead tetra down there or something..but there doesnt appear to be... then i was thinking it was because it was close-ish to the heater... and when I say ALL fish i mean all - like even my hatchetts come down to check it out... anyone know whats going on here??? am curious...
  6. totally but most peeps have told me to clean x2 sponges of the 4 once a month is this correct?
  7. and yeah pricey as hell innit! oh well thought i would treat myself
  8. no i dont i didnt even know you could get them there is some plastic plant cover going up quite high in the corners will give that a try i mean they aren't hiding or anything and no other fishes are trying to attack them but are they sitting still because they are freaked out?
  9. ok folks so i went with x4 marble hatchets they are lovely! they just seem to sit on the top though and don't swim around much is this normal???
  10. sorry guys thats a fluval 104...will that still be ok??
  11. i have a fluval 106 i clean x2 sponges once a month out of the 4 when i put the top back on the filter and plug it in, it spews filth back into the tank for about a minute. it takes about 45 mins to clear, then it's all good i was wondering if this is normal or if it's bad and if so, how to avoid it...
  12. ie : would it be too much with say, 4 hachet fish on top of what i already have
  13. heya guys at the moment i have : x15 rummy nose tetra's x2 zodiac loaches x2 kribs x1 bristlenose pleco was thinking about getting some top dwelling fish was looking at some hatchet fish... what do you guys think?? and if you think no, what suggestions would you make? also, with a 115 litre tank, would this be too many fish???
  14. just recovering from this...get some white spot cure asap!!!!!!!!!!! white spot moves and kills swiftly!
  15. hahaha today i got up and went to look at the tank - and the female krib was doing her little mating dance! hehehehe - back in form!
  16. wow! thanks frenchy that was a really insightful post! wicked...that really clarifies things ok to answer your questions... the whole outbreak bought a lot of things to the fore - after this i learnt that i have to clean my filter sponges regularly (i just simply did not know this - a duuuh). after this i went out and bought a pebble cleaner too - used that for the first time a few days ago. i am usually real good with water changes (30-40% every 2 weeks - tank is 115 litres), but in hindsight half my problem was an unclean filter (had not serviced for a year and a half!). the fish look so much happier now! i am going to clean the medium in a few days too. re : doses - there have now been a total of three doses of white spot cure and one dose of a multi purpose cure (includes white spot) which was an imminent solution to a problem that arose at 11pm on a tues night! thank god one of my fish buddies was awake and had this on hand! that's all of the doses i have done. this was all spread out over about 2 weeks. knowing all this, anymore tips for me to avoid further outbreak? excellent observation on the kribs - that makes sense...it was so weird seeing the male taking the reigns for once! normally the female is the superior fish in the whole tank...
  17. she's got her colour back - looking markedly better - still being chased aroudn though! i don't have a second tank :-?
  18. hey guys thanks heaps for ya feedback yo C, yes female krib has got places to hide...normally its the female krib wanting to spawn doing her wriggly mating dance! so what should i do do ya think?? just leave it? give female salt bath?
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