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ken loach

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Everything posted by ken loach

  1. Hey y'all Just decided to get a male krib for my tank - there was an offer to get another for free So ontop of what I've got on my signature I will have two male kribs Any potential issues you can see here? The lady at Hollywood seemed to think x3 kribs would most likely work better than x2 Advice appreciated! :bounce:
  2. Hey everyone Advice is much appreciated... Condensation inside heater, works intermittently, seems to be holding @ 21degrees despite the fact I have it set at 32...springs running down the unit are flacid (normal?) Red light comes on and flickers, sometimes holds Can I take this apart and dry it out at all? Can't find a manual online Its only two years old :-?
  3. cool! so this wormer, can get at any hollywood?
  4. Thanks Sophia, awesome. He's been skinny - like rib cage skinny - for about half a year though. Could it be anything else apart from worms?
  5. oo ok whats prazi wormer? will look it up on the net... thanks for that!
  6. loach is seemingly happy feeding the tank x1 cube of tropical tucker every two days he's eating, but really quite thin - zodiac loaches should be a bit fatter from what i've seen any ideas on why this might be? many thanks in advance!
  7. In my experience not really Zodiac loaches are awesome I lost my last two and have been keeping my eye out for more Hollywood finally had some in and I got them immediately They have fantastic personalities
  8. heya... about 115 litres have a few hiding places, easy to create more tho!
  9. Hey guys, your advice would be appreciated I have : x1 female krib x5 rummys x2 zodiac loaches x1 pleco 115 litre tank I am considering getting a flagtail porthoplo catfish Would this work with my tank atm? Will the zodiac loaches nip at it?
  10. Hey y'all Have a sick looking male Kribensis Totally off colour, a shade of brown including his eyes Lost a rummy nose tetra to a swim bladder issue a few weeks ago I only have a ph tester and that looks A OK I introduced two zodiac loaches yesterday very carefully and added an air pump I don't belive the issue with the male Krib is associated as he has been sick for 3 or 4 days now Anyone got any ideas what the issue might be? He hides in his cave and won't come out except to nibble on food...
  11. yup always complete the course... by aeration what do you mean?
  12. I just can't work this one out Each day one or two rummys die I took my water in to Animates where I bought the tetra's - (6 for 30 bucks on special) They tested it and it came out close to perfect They gave me a credit for $60 and free Furan as the whole issue began when I bought the tetras So it must be some type of disease? I dosed the tank with Furan yesterday evening Found one dead Tetra before I went to bed When the fish die they are bloated and a bit bloody under the skin aroung the gills and fins Hopefully the fatalities have slowed up, no dead tetra's this morning...
  13. one more floating rummy nose tetra this morning :evil: reckon this is hangover from the old issue or something more serious did the water change yesterday and treated water
  14. cheers man i wanna replace my zodiacs as well whats advice would you have for me here?
  15. yeah have done a water change - thanks for advice so meth blue dosage is not advisable?
  16. 115 litre tank last water change was about two to three weeks ago
  17. hmm thats an interesting thought you actually think this could be it? i have added fish in the past and they have bred loads and as far as i know they havent killed anyone? hmmmm
  18. the only other major change i made was upping the temp 3 degrees as well as adding new fish the water was a little on the low side too anyone reckon my other fish are at risk? meth blue dose maybe? doesn't look like white spot at all as far as i can see
  19. ok had a closer look bit more carnage to or three dead rummy nose tetra's lodged in the intake of the filter
  20. I'm just devastated I lost two of my longest stayers and most hardy fish : zodiac loaches, and no others are harmed I bought 6 new rummy nose tetras last week Everything was ok until I came in this morning and found one floating, eaten to bits and the other at the bottom of the tank, bloated Can anyone explained what the hell happened here?? I have 2 kribs and a pleco and they are A OK Many thanks
  21. I did read that...not as handy as the tips I have got here today though :bounce:
  22. I have the tank light on from 10 am till 10 pm I feed flakes every second day and a seaweed tablet for my pleco every 3rd day I just got back from the pet store - I went with eheim substrat media (expenny, but highly recomm by the good people at hollywood) and I have also purchased some filter wool Any suggestions here how I should progress going from two drawers of old media to one drawer of filter wool and one drawer of brand spankers substrat balls? I understand its a big no no to do it all at once....
  23. wicked...you guys rock thanks heaps!
  24. one more question...is filter wool going to necc make the water clearer?
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