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    OHAUPO - Loving the country life

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  1. sub.z just go to mitre10 and get sellys all clear and use that its fine. i did the same thing 3 odd years ago and its been under water the whole time and its still fine...... or contact inside oceans on here and he sells silicone for about $15 on trademe which will do the job fine........
  2. what size do you want jayci ive got one you can borrow..
  3. fishtv.... get the hose from bunnings its cheap as chips.... was looking at that tank myself but decided to go buy a new one today..... its a good buy... filter will be fine to use after turtles just clean it well with hot water e.t.c ....
  4. hail to sump filters go sump and you will never look back..... they are easy to setup as well
  5. you would have been ok with your first choice .... gee its a 500ltr tank not a 60ltr or 100ltr it will take a hell of a lot of fish to have a problem..... alot of worry over nothing..
  6. dont think jim is after dacron (filter wool) hes after the filter sponge stuff ... is that right jim???
  7. para rubber should be able to help you..
  8. a couple of black line flying foxes..... they love the stuff... cleaned mine in about 2 weeks and nver seen it since.... and there cheaper than one bottle of Flourish excell....
  9. im using a uv as of a week ago and would say they are worth every penny they cost..... i had cloudy water for months and turns out it was a algae bloom....... got a uv and 3 days tank is crystal now...... my zapper is a 24watt bulb and does upto 400ltr tank and cost arount the $130 and its just plug and play (no plumming needed)...... well worth the investment
  10. you dont have to remove it...... some people like using it and others dont.... its totaly up to each and every person if they use it or not.....
  11. just use stockings to put it into.... they are cheap or free if you sneak a pair when the wife isnt looking...
  12. got it from brian (gold fish bowl) i needed the bigger one 400ltrs it was about $130... smaller is about $80
  13. well we worked out what the problem was.... old house had tinted windows and vertical blinds ... so you guessed it to much light in the new house.... got a UV on friday and now the tank is crystal clear..... gee those cheap LFS uv are good ....... so problem all sorted :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  14. 3 are fine together no less and remember they are slow growing..
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