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Posts posted by jamestothemax

  1. i think teh way they did it was to actually use the bell as the reward. guess a bit like clicker training with dogs.

    i think they actually chose to train the oscars to jump through hoops because of thier ability to jump. i know mine used to jump heaps. even got my hand a foot and a half above the tank one day.

    i know heaps of people train their gold fish to swim into their hands to be lifted out of teh water for judging in competitions and stuff.

  2. i was reading in one of my oscar books that once you have trained them to swim through the hoop like shown in those links that you can take it one step further.

    By slowly raising the hoop out of the water they learn to jump out of the water and through the hoop. apparently with oscars its best to actually use a different reward than food as well. you are meant to leave the hoop in the tank for awhile and every time they swim through it you ring a bell. they soon pick up what to do when the bell is rung.

    i figure maybe the Napier marine land could just train some oscars to do tricks instead of getting new dolphins................

  3. Yeah very creepy how fast they have gone through so many people.

    I didnt realise they would have done the whole country pretty much already i just figured it was a few guys making their way down a list starting at the top. suppose this way they have the element of surprise so the word doesn't get spread to quickly and they aren't able to catch the bad guy.

    but so true about being responsible hobbiests. if its illegal just dont do it whether its your hobby or not.

    very creepy thought.... they're watching us all in fact their watching you right now.................... :o:o:o:o:o

  4. yeah i had a visit up here in auckland.

    came in while i was at uni and asked my folks if they could inspect my tanks. they took photos of my tanks and asked me to call them when i get back.

    They checked me cause i have sold tanks and plants recently on trademe.

    I told them what type of plants they are and where they went and they were happy.

    apparently peopel have been importing illegal aquatic plants and selling them on trademe and they want to crack down on it before it spreads to wide.

    I'm sure more peopel will get a visit yet. they didnt check my pond though. maybe they couldn't see it under all teh surrounding plants.

  5. Yeah the idea of a low level lighting in the early mornign and late at night is definately a good idea as this replicates natural river conditions much more accurately.

    reason being is that with a river flowing through the forest there are quite often trees overhanging and shadowing the river. This is most prominent in early morning and evening because of the suns low level in the sky where as at midday the sun is directly above the river.

    Luke: definately know what your saying about the CO2 release at night being way less than the O2 release during the day for plants but it is still an important part of the plants life. Can't keep breathing in without breathing out every now and then hahahahaha

  6. I'm all for the hose in the tank as well. I'm sure some stress is placed on the fish from it but in all honesty i think they are glad just to have a nice water change.

    I go by the theory that it rains in the wild and there are cold moments, so a few in the tank won't harm them.

    also most people very rarely keep an exact biotope tank and this means a lot of fish in tanks will naturally live in completely different water temp and conditions, some of the species in your tank may also be in more seasonal areas and others in places where water conditions are constant all year round, yet very few people replicate these differing conditions unless trying to breed or they are very fanatical.

    It could also depend on what type of fish you have. some more delicate ones may not like the cold stuff where as bigger hardier stuff won't mind it.

  7. yeah i agree with the others you definately need the lights off some time.

    If not the fish will become all stressed and insomniatic, a lot like humans. only thing is we have eye lids so can just close our eyes for dark but fish don't have them so can't do this.

    I'd imagine your algae will go nuts as well and remembering tubes only have a good life span of 9 - 12 months then leaving them on 24/7 will make it less than half that.

    The tubes may actually keep turning on for longer than that but after the 12 months or so they deterriorate in light qaulity and will cause even more problems.

    and even though you dont have the plants, for the others who noticed that they close up at night im pretty sure its because plants breath just like humans, except they breath out oxygen during the day when the lights are on, and breath in oxygen and exhale CO2 at night.

    hence the reason pH drops in planted tanks over night. Thats the same reason why you should always test your pH at midday.

    just my little babble...... :o

  8. KP: yeah you could definately dive in the tank i know some people who have !!!!

    Ira: Only reason im wanting to cover it is because it came with a covering so figured it must need one to stop any water thats evaporationg gettign into the light hood and wrecking it.

    the bulbs and stuff arent cheap as im sure you know so dont want to have to buy more of them than i have to.

    if you dotn think its neccessary to have the glass in teh light hood i wont bother.

    the tank is open topped so a lot of water does evaporate out of it as the light creates so much heat at the water surface even being a meter away and its a discus tank so the water is sittign at about 29 degrees anyway

  9. Hey lighting gurus

    can anyone help with a suggestion of what type of glass to use to protect a metal halide bulb in a giesseman (spelling?) light hood.

    Its a 1000W light hood and we have tried going to a local glass place and they gave us "heat resistant" glass and the two times we have tried they have both shattered into the tank. Which is nto cool considering the tank is 1.2m deep and thickly planted, so very hard to get glass out.

    Any suggestions would be great


  10. hahahahha yeah

    but nothing illegal will be grown and i wont even risk growing tomatoe plants to arrouse suspicion.

    the other thing that was though of was adding a guttering spout on top of each row and filling that with water so that i could grow plants that only grow submersed.

    anyone done anythign like that or think it would work.


  11. hey all you plant gurus

    I have aquired a three teir hydroponic setup and was interested in tryign to grow some aquatic plants. i dotn want to grow the standard bunch plants that are real cheap and everywhere.

    i was thinking of somethign more along the lines of crypts or anubius (i thought these cause i have quite a few in my tank already to use to start the whole lot off) or even some echinidorus of some kind. just didnt know what types will grow successfully out of full submersion but then live well when put back into a tank.

    so yeah if anyone has any suggestions on plants to try and also what type of lighting would work well. i was thinking of setting it up under my house and running soem metal halides or i could set it up under my deck where there would be abit more natural sunlight and just use fluro's.

    thanks for any help and of course all successfully grown plants that i cant fit in my tanks will be offered up on here first

  12. monaro 1 your just to good. hit it right on the button.

    its jansens so please pop in and say hi id love to meet you guys.

    hahahahah i wouldnt say will power is what stops me its more the fact im a student so still live with my folks and budget and space tend to justify my tanks.

    LYNDYLOO: I guess i dont keep every species of fish as i have already been through most of them. marines however is still very unchartered territory for me as i have only ventured into that feild a few times.

    Mustcooktea: at the moment planted aqauria is a feature point. I am half way through 4 books on it as we speak and am constantly plannign in my head what to do. this will be the main thing i will probably be asking Q's on to start with as i am sellign a lot of my set-ups at the moment to do one really high-end plant tank.

    thanks for the awesome welcome guys and ill try hit up that chatroom when i can

  13. hey id agree with the others and say your plants would be cool 8) without food for a couple of weeks.

    If you are worried about i have seen some automatic dosers on teh market which you could do. I knwo eheim make one and i cant remember the other brands i have seen but again its like they say not absolutely necessary.

  14. i dont know about the reducing algae thing

    but from what i understand because there is no water movement within teh gravel the water there is nable to be heated effectively by the heater so gets cold.

    as heat rises this means the cold water stays in the bottom and so very little new water containing the nutrients we so feverishly add daily/weekly does not get to the roots where the plant absorbs so much of its food.

    because the heating cables are right on the bottom of the tank it heats the cold water making it rise, creating the convection current simfish mentioned allowing teh transfer of nutrients.

    This is the theory i have read in a few books but i guess the best way to test it is to measure the temperature of the bottom peice of glass of your tank compared to the side? hard to do considering most are sitting on polystyrene.

    Another thought i had was perhaps a undergravel filter system running in reverse would have a similar effect in dispersing the nutrients to the roots. anyone tried it?

  15. Hey all you fish fanatics out there

    just wanting to say hi and hope everyones getting excited about the holiday season.

    Ive been keeping fish since I was knee high to a grass hopper and love every minute of it.

    I have worked at the LFS for about 4 years and have kept pretty much every fish and plant they sell.

    I have up to 7 tanks going at a time depending on what fish get passed on to me or i spot and just HAVE to have.

    I got told about this forum and had a read through and you all seem liek a greta bunch of people so can't wait to rack your brains for some info and opinions on up coming project

    nice to meet you all

    merry xmas

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