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Posts posted by jamestothemax

  1. hey everyone

    Im hopefully headig to gold coast and brisbane for two weeks on friday and since i have done all the touristy stuff before i thought i might have a bit more time to swing by some good fish/pet stores while im there.

    I was just reading about coral plantation on the gold coast so was wondering if anyone knew any other good ones to check out. I'll probably be helping a friend renovate her fresh water tank while im there anyway so would be good to know a great shop in brisbane to help with that.

    cheers guys and have a great weekend


  2. hazymranch: depending on how old the 620t is you may find it has single ended tubes rather than the standard fluros like a normal 620 so i dont know if that change will be possible. definately good on a 620 to be able to do that though.

    also means if it is the single ended tubes there will be two of them so 36w of light. still not enough for optimum plant growth on a tank liek that which from memory is about 120 litres and being so deep makes it even harder to grow plants....... in saying that i know plenty of people who successfully have plants growing in these tanks.

    more info would be great though

  3. hahahah wow snap.

    today at work i pulled apart the massive canister filer on the plant cascade and down the bottom below the grate holding up the filter media was a bristle nose. he was about 3.5 cm as well and we didnt even know there had been bristle nose in there. they are tough little fish. we found one of the bars for the strainer had been broken so must have tgot through there.

    i've had it happen in canister filters at home as well when they have been breeding and the babys just dissapear. lucky the filters draw water in from the bottom to the top otherwise there may have been minced fish. :o

  4. davidb: I'm wanting to transfer my japanese fire bellied newts to a decent sized tank and im also hoping to have enough water space to get my marble echinodoris horizontalis (spelling?) and tennellus growing well. I have lined up a tank and hopefully four lights and a filter and pump to run the waterfall, as well as CO2 oand some good propagating sand and substrate. I dont want to use the concrete on teh poly because i am affraid the newts may scratch themselves on the sharp surace.

    Im going to look into what other plants i can put in the land area as well. i wouldnt mind getting somethign with a nice flower in there also.

  5. i dont know if this should be posted on here or in the trade section but jansens botany won't be ordering them weekly as a fish to have regularly in our tanks but is more than happy to do customer orders.

    the individual price is quite high but if you go in and talk to jamey or james (me) then we can sort it out at 10 fish for $150.

    still expensive but a lot cheaper than buying them at the individual price.


  6. hey does anyone know what the paint is you use and where you can get it? i know jansens used to sell one called pondflex but pretty sure they dont any more.

    Im thinking of making a palaudium with a waterfall and dugouts for ferns out of poly and i understand you can paint it then sprinkle gravel over it for moss to grow on.

    I have also carved poly with a hot wire and sanded it and covered it in concrete with great results. not for a tank but for landscape models for uni.

  7. yeah liek alan said any fish can jump out of a tank with no lid on. remember fish are very small with very tiny brains so not to clever. they will sometimes just swim to fast and whoops the fly out the top. it happens all the time at jansens botany where there is only 15mm of the dividing glass between the tanks out of the water and they just pop over the other side for a look.

    In saying that if you find a number of your fish jumping out it would be a very good idea to do an urgent water change and test your water as if a fish doesnt like the water it is in it will try to get out eg; to avoid amonia burn.

    you'd be amazed how far a fish will flap around and get. i have found small fish 5+ metres from tanks before they dried out. they can last a long time out of water some times as well. if i find a fish out of water even pretty dried on the outside i still put it in the water to see if it twitches and then if it does you run it through the water to pass water through the gills. kinda like CPR for fish!

    I know that sounds stupid but trust me i have seen someone do this for twenty minutes with an arowana before it was revived and went on to live a happy life.

    sorry that was a bit of a long rant hahahaa

  8. i go for jager without question now as i have had a few other brands explode on me and its not fun having your arm in the tank when it happens.

    I don't know about that replacing every year thing. i had a jager running for about 7 years and it was sweet and i have a few other friends who have done similar. the temp continued to stay accurate and did the job. they were so old they were the ones with the green tops not these fancy black topped ones hahahahahaha.

    Still haev one actually but dont have a tank to use it in.

  9. wow i havent heard that before. ill definately keep it in mind if i am lucky enough to have a pair and get some young. white worms will definately be their main diet from me.

    The daphnia have all been mentioned as a suitable food in the three books i have read on them so far:

    - Newts and Salamanders (Frank Indiviglio)

    - Slamanders and Newts (Dr H. R. Axelrod)

    - Newts: Their care in captivity (Jordan Patterson)

    but yeah the young ones i could imagine not being able to get them down properly. I guess baby brine shrimp would be a suitable water bound food for babies ?

  10. well my to japanese are now getting settled in their new home. Thye have so far gone nuts for daphnia and a few of the baby guppys i chucked in and im about to give them some white worms to try it out.

    I have seen them both in and out of the water. i covered my land side almost competely in moss and its pretty damp so they seem to enjoy that.

    ill try get some pics up sometime so you can see them living it up in hotel de newt

  11. cool ill try those other foods as well. i figure the more foods i can get for them to vary the diet the better.

    yeah i used to own angus? did you buy him? hows he going?

    I didnt know MAF were thinkign that either but itseems every week i hear rumors of MAF wanting to ban something else. how come it doesnt work the other way and every week they think of letting something new into the country.

  12. hey cool thanks for the help guys.

    Where do you get live sphagnum moss from? plant shops?

    yeah cheers for the heads up but i always wet me hands before touching in wet animal. i think we all learnt from the soap add that healthy skin has a pH of 5.5 hahahahh

    I noticed on some of the websites people talk about pellet food for the newts? is this in NZ and has anyone tried it. some of the books also mention raw beef strips, bloodworm, tubifex and brine shrimp. (frozen and live)

    I also noticed jansens have just started a range of foods from Flukers (?) i think it is. They do a canned moist food and a vitamin sprayand stuff so didnt know if anyone has or was going to try this with newts.

    thanks again

  13. nah these ones are coming from a friend who got them but didnt have enough space for them. however it may have been them who got them off trademe.

    I was planning on covering most of the land part with jaza moss or something so they can climb over that and hopefully not get sand on themselves even though it is still damp and i have provided a nice large flat rock in the water and on the land for them to climb onto which i was planning on feeding them on.

    Is it best to feed them from the same place each time so they know where teh food is comign from or doesnt it really matter?

  14. cool thanks guys. i have a feeling the sand shouldnt be much of a problem as i have just been looking at the AGA aqauscaping contest entries for palaudiums for the last couple of years and a lot of them use sand in the ones that have newts.

    there has only been one website that says use gravel bigger than they can get in their mouth but since they can get a fairly good size that would seem a little excessive.

    but i will keep researching just to be sure. not to sure what lighting i will put on it yet as its quite a low tank and may look at changing it to get a bit more room for a waterfall or something. who knows maybe even enter the AGA competition next year...........

  15. hey,

    i dont really know if this is the best place to post this but since the search is down at the mo i couldn't check where else this info may be.

    well I am about to get two japanese fire bellied newts (the slightly bigger ones right ?) and was just setting up a tank for them.

    The question i have is that i was planning on using some left over daltons propagating sand but then wondered if this would be safe for them.

    Its quite a shallow tank and i was planning on growing my chain swords in the same tank, you know kill two birds with one stone. so being able to use teh dalton would be quite good.

    I have read Jordan Patterson's 'Newts: their care and captivity' but this basically says "Use Gravel" with not much else.

    cheers for any help

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