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Posts posted by JoandWilly

  1. At this stage im only going to go for the cheap stuff that isnt gonna crap out on me... on a very small budget, probably buy a bit at a time and maybe set it up as another fresh water tank untill i can afford the skimmer, rock and lighting.

    Would 3 foot lighting be enough as the tanks 100 long so only 10cm short?

  2. Everytime i strip our female i wait for as long as i can before doing it, the eggs are fertilised before she picks them up so ifs she still holding them after a few days i'd say they are fertilised, you can strip right from day one but i prefer to wait untill they are either free swimming or close to it, usually 2 weeks plus if you can.

  3. Ok I have a tank 1.00x.62x.45 and was thinking of using a tank .6x.3x.3 for a sump which works out to be roundabout 300L once both filled, is this going to be a big enough sump or would i want to make it taller, maybe .45. Also thinking bout using this pump


    Will this be ideal as flow rate is pretty high for the price.

    We are wanting to keep a few fish and some corals with a shallow sand bed, Jo would really like some clownfish and anemone's so what othe requipment am i going to need??

    Skimmer, what one and how much?

    Lighting, what and how much?

    Powerheads for more flow?

    Also how much live rock would I need? Is live rock, coral rock that is filled with good bacteria?

    Is there anything else?

  4. well i know you can trust everything you can find on the internet but as far as i can tell alot of things started off as pseudotropheus and then split up and some went to maylandia and that split up and some went to metraclima... the estherae and crabro both fall under this as far as i can tell.

    There still are some pseudotropheus, but compared to some of the older books there are hardly any compared to what there was 20 years ago. It would be so much easier if once they named the damn fish it would stay with the same name.

  5. Blue circle white spot cure is one of the better white spot cures i reckon. Aslo turning the temp up a degree or 2 helps speed this stuff along cause it speeds up the parasites life cycle...

    The fish swimming up and down the glass can sometimes indicate stress... do you have test kits? Whats your pH, ammoina and nitrites? Do you always rinse you filter out with tank water and NOT tap water?

  6. lol we've never used stress coat... dont see it as something that we should need... all our tanks water is kept in a fairly good state... they all have weekly if not more water changes but yeah chlorine and so forth doesnt seem to be a problem in our tap water so was wondering what its like in the northshore water.

  7. Just wondering what the tap water is like up there, mainly around browns bay and Torbay, chlorine and what not?

    We've never had any troubles with water down here straight from the tap and all the fish are healthy so wondering if a move for them up there might be a huge change due to the water.

  8. Hmmm we have a breeding pair of these and we wouldnt dare put another fish in there cause it'll get shreded, they are either best kept in pairs or in larger groups 10+ because they can get really agro. if you do have them in a large group they are only agro while they are protecting the eggs and fry... but as soon as they fry are free swimming and are allowed to leave the mothers home the whole colony will help raise the fry.

  9. Hmmm im not sure about rams coz never keeped any but most cichlids are good parents so shouldn't need to take them out, they might not get it right this time though and eat them all...lol i would say wait and see, to see what type of parents they are going to be.

  10. in my experience its hard to get any malawi's to breed if its just a pair in the tank cause as you know they are really aggressive, the only way is to have a good ratio of the same fush in the tank ie- 1 male 5 females, or to have them in a community tank with other malawis but give them plenty of caves for the female to hide in while shes holding, but take her out and strip her or let her spit them out in another tank.

  11. Lol... well it has been me (willy) who has been on most of the time in the last few months... and i know alot more than my mother does now... kinda took over most of her fish tanks and got them running properly... and breed most of her fish too. But it was her who got us interested in the first place and taught us the basics and there will be a time when she'll want her tanks and fish back :P lol

  12. We're not new but we were using mums account before... (polgara)... we have 11 tanks, 10 cichlid ones and 1 with guppies, platties, bn, neons and khuli loach's

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