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Everything posted by zoezealand

  1. the paddling pool is about 70litres and in my garage (i had a small heater going so i lowered the temp slowly to the garage temp), the fish are only 5-6cm it is the same filter as before, but their tank was about half the size, the filter is just a roll of stiff selefane (or celefane?) with filter wool and charcol (i was trying to mimic the corner filters) i know that the filter isnt very good (but power/canaster ones are so expensive (im 14 and trying to conserve cash)) so i have been doing 20% water changes every day/2nd day I have no test kits (i was hoping the water changes would keep ammonia levels down) im starting to think that maybe over feeding was the problem, i did a big clean after pricey died and there was uneaten food under the shells and stuff, on the topic off feeding, everywhere says to feed the fish enough for them to eat in 10mins, but my fish are scared of me and stay under a shell and never eat when im around, (if i wait for a while and watch them through a mirror they do come out and eat the food) so im only quessing with the 10 mins thing, is there a more reliable method? maybe my fish are stressed if they dont eat while im there i also have some 'oxy weed' in there and it seems to drop leaves, will it pollute the tank? thanks for the advice
  2. i have 6 goldfish in a paddling pool (there tank started to leak) they have been in there for a month with no problems but today i found the biggest one (called pricey because he was 50c more expensive then the rest) floating on the top He wasnt floating yesterday but he looks as though he might have been dead for a while (there was a bit of white stuff growing on him) i had a funeral for him in the garden and buried him he had no visible signs of disease but his belly was a little boated (maybe i have been over feeding them) does anyone have any ideas why he died or know what i should do with the others (we were planning on going away for the weekend and so should i seperate them to prevent coming home to more dead fish? ) i though maybe he got traped on something at the bottom which is why he wasnt floating yesterday (in the paddleing pool there are a few scraps of leather on the bottom, 2 types of floating plants and a small home made filter run by and air pump)
  3. hey just wondering, under ideal conditions, how big could some goldfish fry get in 2 months?
  4. i did i science fair project on Goldfish memory, and they can remember some things for over a year! (things like the way round a maze or blue button=food, red button=no food) but that said they still arent the brightest of creatures.
  5. hi I have small 6 comets (5-6 cm). Some of them appear to have small spots on thier gills and they are chasing the others, (most often one with a pot belly). is 6cm to small to breed? or is this just normal behavior (my other theory was that they are older than they appear but their growth was stunted (i only got them from pet shop about 2 months ago)) should i just ingnore this? (i feel sorry for pot bellied one that gets chased all the time)
  6. because i have several small tanks with different things in them (fish brine shrimp snails etc) and only one air pump which i rotate to the different tanks, but i thought having an oxy shell in each would give extra oxygen gradually into the water do you think this is a bad idea?
  7. id like to make my own cause it is cheaper (and fun )
  8. does anyone know how to make oxy shells (or oxygen shells)? My pet shop says they have a secret recipe
  9. thanks i tried some of that spiralura stuff and it seems to work
  10. as my fry are getting older, and bigger, I was told that adult brine shrimp had less fat but more protein and are easier to find than bbs, is this true? I never thought about the exoskeleton thing
  11. yep ive double checked and it is phytoplanton that they eat thanks
  12. im not sure i think phytoplankton
  13. hi i know this sounds weird, but does anyone have any saltwater algae, i am trying to raise brine shrimp to adults, and i have been told that algae is the best thing to feed them on, so i would like to start a culture, if anyone has any they are throwing away i would love to have it. (or if you think this isnt going to work plz tell me) i will happily pay postage thanks
  14. hi im new to fishkeeping and ive got a small (350*250*270) tank with a few comet goldfish and some gravel, im trying to get a few plants for it but the local fish shop is really expensive! (i just want a bit of colour and fun for the fish) does any know where i can pick up some cheaper plants/cuttings (or free if you are feeling really generous), i dont really mind what (i wont be able to tell the difference between many of them) and i am happy to pay postage thanks heaps
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