Hi ,
yes, happy to help . Hopefully your canopy size is exactly the same ( there's only limited amunt of space )
hardware is available from you local wholesaler .
Page 119 of the Superlux lighting manual .
T4 linkable fluoresent
parts listing
ST4-16 ( 16 watts ) x 2 ( comes with tube 6400k ) @ 520 mm lenght
SFT4 - C300 ( connector cable )
SFT4 - C1800 ( 1.8 metre cable ) cut the length to suit and terminate internally
I used automotive double sided moulding tape to secure the fluoresent fittings inside the gearplate .
Your'll need to get rid of the plastic diffuser and clips ( they rust anyway )
I am replacing with a piece of glass ( 585 x 130 @ 5mm ) which should fit within the rim of the tank ( i hope )
hoping to replace the existing compact flouro's with a combination of arctitic or marine blue ( if Jansen's can supply through kongs )
anyone else know where I can get lamps from ?
If I can't get the lamps the T4 has a Blue version available I'll like to try
Part number SFT4- BE6
total wattage now is 68 watts .
PL - 18 w 14000k /7100k
T4 - 16 w 6400k