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Everything posted by Rocketman

  1. Should I be running carbon in my Deltec MCE600 skimmer ? I not sure what it does and how oftten I should be replacing it .
  2. Weather display software will work with any Weather station ( including the La cross ) Really depends on your budget . I have another two stations that cost over 20K ( Americas Cup sydicate were using the information )
  3. check out Bunning's for suction cups . I bought some to attached my hang-one skimmer unit ( works well )
  4. you should be able to get most things here http://www.hobby-boards.com/catalog/main_page.php
  5. I have a 1 wire weather station ( some of the stuff I made myself ) most of it's moduler . I need to fix a couple of things ( humidity sensor stuck at 100%) here a link to some of your questions ? Software is wriiten by a friend of mine ( New Zealand made ) http://www.weather-display.com/index.php
  6. I already have a stand alone data logging device that records 20 minute samples ( for three months in the tank ) The webcam thing can be done I need to finish some other things first around the house
  7. Well I thinking about adding the tank Temperture to my existing weather station information . attached link is to my home weather station information. http://www.tokaanuskihire.co.nz/pukekohe/pukekohe.htm or realtime http://www.tokaanuskihire.co.nz/pukekohe/flash/
  8. Rocketman


    I bought one this weekend as well . I'm having second thoughts now ( it settled at the back of the tank ) dug itself into the sand out of the main lighting area .
  9. Thanks Guys . I'll catch up with Chris ( I'll be getting some more frag's )
  10. thanks Reef , maybe I'll try to dry the food mixture slightly to see what happens
  11. During feeding I turn the Skimmer OFF ( just for a few minutes ) so the fish can feed etc.. When I turn it back on ( I'm getting heaps of tiny bubbles in the tank ) which slowly disappear 1or 2 hours later . I've tried feeding leaving the skimmer ON ( but I get the same happening ) Is this all normal ? apart from that the skimmer's working great
  12. Sorry for your loss Chris . That was a really nice fish
  13. picked up the PL marine blue 12000k lamps today from Jansen . All looks great with the mixture of lighting . The strip of glass fits as well ( only cost $5 )
  14. Hi , yes, happy to help . Hopefully your canopy size is exactly the same ( there's only limited amunt of space ) hardware is available from you local wholesaler . Page 119 of the Superlux lighting manual . T4 linkable fluoresent parts listing ST4-16 ( 16 watts ) x 2 ( comes with tube 6400k ) @ 520 mm lenght SFT4 - C300 ( connector cable ) SFT4 - C1800 ( 1.8 metre cable ) cut the length to suit and terminate internally I used automotive double sided moulding tape to secure the fluoresent fittings inside the gearplate . Your'll need to get rid of the plastic diffuser and clips ( they rust anyway ) I am replacing with a piece of glass ( 585 x 130 @ 5mm ) which should fit within the rim of the tank ( i hope ) hoping to replace the existing compact flouro's with a combination of arctitic or marine blue ( if Jansen's can supply through kongs ) anyone else know where I can get lamps from ? If I can't get the lamps the T4 has a Blue version available I'll like to try Part number SFT4- BE6 total wattage now is 68 watts . PL - 18 w 14000k /7100k T4 - 16 w 6400k
  15. I was wanting to add some snails ( as part of the clean crew ) what sort should I get to assist in green algae control ? Where can they be purchased ?
  16. OK thanks , I've actually managed to fit an additional ( 2 x T4 fluoresent fitting 16w ) into the canopy .
  17. I'm wanting to upgrade the existing lamps in the canopy of my AR620T . Can anyone suggest where I can purchase new lamps ( straight replacements that fit into the existing fitting ) . Also what type should I be replacing them with ? I have a LR, few softies and 3 fish and a couple of corals at this stage .
  18. I have the same Deltec skimmer on a AR620T . Works great ( your'll need to put some sponge under the pump etc... and I've added an extension onto the air intake ( as a muffler )
  19. OK , I just re-checked ( air flow has no restiction because of the extension ) . The reason it's quieter is because the intake is now behind the fishtank ( still sounds the same behind there ) . I'll replace the extension with an outside diameter piece of plastic hose next anyway .
  20. Hey Guys , The little hose is an extention of the air intake . I just made it longer to less the noise ( air being sucked in ) . Thanks for the tip ( I'll raise it above water level ).
  21. hi , here's some photo of the deltec MCE600 on my AR620T hope that helps you .
  22. very nice tanks Fay . Hope to catch up with you at some stage ( I'm local and Port Waikato is within my work area ) . The whitebait have been running this week .
  23. What's a good timing interval for my wavemaker . Currently I have a powerhead which is switched ON for 90 seconds and then OFF for 30 seconds ( use to be OFF for 90 seconds ) . This runs in a continous repeating cycle 24/7 . I changed it tonight so may tank would get better flow ( i've got small amounts of brown algae etc.. ) it's slowly disappearing . 8)
  24. Hi , I have the AR620T with a Deltec MCE600 protein skimmer hang-on unit fitted . Was bit of a mission to get it fitted , but we managed to keep the filter box intact ( drilled holes through the filter section and used small plastic boxes to make a seperate box etc.. ) . Thanks to my brother for the excellent engineering to get it fitted .
  25. The Brazilian Flameback has a slightly larger potrion of orange, a slightly larger eye diameter, and blue tail and pelvic fins, subtle differences which require a trained eye to spot.
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