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Posts posted by Helena

  1. Hi everyone

    The tank was setup 2 saturdays ago and I put the fish in last Sat

    I did the water test tonight all seemed fine nitrite0.1 nitrate 0.1 ph 7.5, didn't do ammo.

    I changed about 20% water and put a small amount in from my other tank then fresh at the same temp.

    I turn the filter off not long after I put the fish maybe an hour or so.

    The pump is a powerhead type no agjustment Qmax 440l/h.


  2. Hi everyone

    I'm new at this.

    Have enjoyed reading the posts and hope to learn lots about tropical fish. I have setup an aqua one 980 aquarium 5 weeks ago, everything is going well considering I put fish in from a friend who had to dismantle his tank to leave the country. The water was 1 week old, so thought well lets see what happens. All fish are fine, two pearl gouramis (beautiful), two neons, 8 mountain minows and two catfish ( not sure what kind). I have since added some more neons black and red/blue.

    It is very had to resist buying more fish.

    I have also setup a small 28 litre aqua one tank to use when I buy more fish to quarantine them.

    Now here is my problem I bought some fish on the weekend and the zebra danios are very unhappy sitting on the bottom with curved bodies and tails are closed together and not eating, they were fine to start with. Tonight one has died and others are not looking good. There are also 4 platys and 2 swordtails, the platys were not happy to start with, (hiding away) but are okay now. I rang the shop and they suggested some salt for the platys which I did Tuesday ( 1 tsp). I felt the filteration in this small tank was too much as the fish were being pushed around, so I stopped the fliter and put in an airstone. I was wondering if anyone could help.

    Cheers Helena.

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