fishy family
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Everything posted by fishy family
aong with the clowns and blue rams i have hatchets, ottocinclus, neons and a saimese fighter. All my nitrates and ammonia levels are nil and I have a planted tank with co2 running and lots of aeration with the spray bar. 100litre tank. I have taken out the carbon from the filter and treated the tank twice doing 25% change inbetween. There is a definate improvement as it looked like the poor clowns had really bad dandruff. I was amazed how quickly it came on as I spend way to much time staring at the tank. :lol: I have turned up the heat to 28. Can I safely go higher? Should I treat again tomorrow? Really grateful for the advice.
ok great cos it is a lot of medicine to be putting in. Is there anything i could have done differently to avoid this? I got my clowns a week ago.
thanks for the advice. I will remove the carbon from the filter and do a 25% change and add more white spot cure today then repeat the process tomorrow. Ohh and bump up the temp. So is white spot the same thing as ich? :-? looks like a fungus infection.
My poor wee clown loaches have what must be white spot. So do my blue rams I think. I have a 100 litre tank and have treated it with white spot cure on Friday night but wondering how long till they get better? Do I have to treat again? Also should I turn off the fluval filter at all cos it seemed to clear out the blue stuff pretty quick. I am very worried cos I dont actually know what white spot will do to my poor fish just that I need to treat it so would welcome any helpful advice.
Ii bought a really cool siphon hose from field days. it has a marble in it and you shake it up and down and it self starts otherwise I get the kids to suck on the hose but like the standing up higher than waterlevel idea. We use buckets from the bathroom with warm water and water ager in it.
when I bought the danios from hff they said they were cold water ones and had them in a cold tank. As this is our third tank in the family (not counting the pond) I didnt want the hassle of another heater so wanted coldwater fishies for my son. Should I put the danios in my community tank and get him another fantail?
oh poor thing. I thought it would be ok cos being slower it wouldnt eat the danios, never thought they may upset him. Also the gravel in the tank is really light, should I change it? He is still sitting sulking. and yes it is a coldwater tank.
this post got me thinking... I have light gravel in my planted tank but would like dark. Not wanting to uproot everything just wondering if it would work to do a layer of dark over the light? Would that make a difference, I was thinking of putting it in a handful (scoop) at a time. Did that make sence or am I up too late. :oops:
My son has a 40l tank with undergravel filter and 6 zebra danios and a small fantal which we got on the weekend. Everytime I look in on it the fantail is sitting on the bottom of the tank facing the rear wall which is mirrored. I havent seen him do much but my son (9) assures me he sees him swimming. Should I worry?
what a good suggestion of just 'feeding the tank' when i set up my tank I put in my neons feeling that they were little test pilots :lol:
cool thanks am off to lfs on Saturday so will definately look for some there. I have java moss in my tank tied to some driftwood, to put it in my sons tank would i just chuck it in to float around the top? Or do I need to anchor it somewhere?
My 9yr old has a 40l tank in his room and has 5 zebra danios in it. we are a bit disapointed with them as although they are cool little fish we cant really see them well and were wondering about what else could go in the tank with them. we ideally dont want to run a heater in the tank so are looking for cold water fishies. Are there any goldfish varieties that would do well? Or would they eat the danios? we really want something that will stand out. any suggestions? He really wanted axolotals but mamma said no cos they creep me out.
Hey Chakuna, just wondering how your fish are doing my son is your age and just got his first tank with zebra danios in it and he loves it. I just got my 3ft tank last week and have 10 neons and a bristlenose in it and will be adding 2 platys in a week.
:oops: Ok just wondering are brineshrimp the same thing as seamonkeys
well the tank is in and planted with the old filter running so now I am trying really hard to be patient for a week before adding some cardinal tetras. Then I was thinking of adding a week later either a couple of earthearters (yep they were the ones thanks) Or a couple of hatchet fish. Put the betta in last great advice thanks cos I was bursting to add him sooner so now will wait untill last. definately am considering going for a couple of clown loaches they are cute aye.
your tank looks beautiful. I just love how you trained them to all line up for the photo :lol: I can't even get my dog to sit still.
:lol: Ooh a tank for hubby now theres a plan. he does have a birthday coming up and I do remember him getting me an airpistol for christmas a few years back (never let him forget it) Great sites that have been reccomended I have bookmarked them all. I love those little hatchet fishies they look like something out of a cartoon. 1 more sleep till I get my tank. :lol:
Ooh I will run off to the library. I got some books out for my son from the junior section and they just arent helpful :oops:
wow you guys are great. Thanks for the replys. I saw a jack dempsey in the weekend and thought it had the saddest puppydog eyes (I know I have a problem :lol: ) I will steer clear of them I think as I really was wanting a saimese fighter. Man now I see why people have multiple tanks. I really like the look of fish swimming in a school so aside from the cardinals what would go well in my tank? My husband saw something that looked like little snappers but were freshwater. No idea what they were or if they would work. Ooh feels like Christmas :lol:
Hi, I am getting my own 100litre tank this week after living vicariously (sp) through my 12yr old son. Yippee!! Now I have a couple of questions. I am really hoping to get a saimese fighter as they are just sooo pretty but not sure what would be good tankmates for them. I was looking longingly at a jackdempsy (think thats the name) and will adopt my sons bristlenose and would like some carninal tetras and platys or guppies and not really sure what else. Any suggestions?? Also what would be good to go in first while the tank cycles.
love the wiskers. The thing was we were in the shop in the holidays with the kids and decided to get a bristle nose cos one of the boys said "he looks like dad" I will probably take him into my new tank when it is all systems go as my sons tank is too small for when he grows up.
How do i know if we have a boy or a girl? How big do they eventually grow to? This little one is the same size as our neons which makes him soooo hard to find. Robbie
thanks caper, it has been great to see my son getting so excited about something other than xbox so we have really gotten behind him and must confess that I have gotten hooked too!
oh what a relief, I thought he hated us :oops: they are just so cute
thanks for the replys the tank is 42litres and we got it 2nd hand 3 weeks ago and we have 2 smallish angels 1 platy 6 neons a really small bristlenose who we spend most of our time looking for. Oh and a large snail. I took out the reef / rock/ thingy but will probably put it back tomorrow now I know all is well. We have been checking the water levels most days and it all seems to be ok so dont know what could have happened to the other platy. Robbie