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Posts posted by Discusguru

  1. Metro and Tricozole are the same thing. Is the fish eating and behaving normal? Can you get a nice clear picture of the head section of the fish to help us id the peoblem?

    If you are treating it with metro, up the temp to 35deg with plenty of airation, BB tank, 400mg/40ltrs water. Redose every 8 hrs with a 50% waterchange for 7-10 days. the water use for waterchange have to be the same temp temp of tank and clorine free.

    Good luck,


  2. Hey Luke,

    The leopard look good. How big is it now?

    As you probably know that there are a variety of pattern on leopard (spots, stripes and combo of the two)

    Buying baby leopards, there is always the risk unless you want to pay mega bucks for a fully form spoted one.

    The lines on the leopard may still break away as it's still young and if you don't like it i'll gladly have it back and pay you what you want for it within reasons.

    The second fish is a bit too dusty for my liking.

    Give me a ring when you're up this way next.



  3. Hi Tim Tam,

    I would put 4 fish into the new tank to cycle it. Being a 4 footer the volume of water in it will cycle the tank with minimal stress on the 4 baby discus. You have to have fish or something in there that will produce ammonia to cycle the tank or you can add pure ammonia to the tank to do a fishless cycle as pointed out by other members.



  4. Salt will not be good for your plants. How big are the fish? Your best way is to remove the fish and treat them in a tank. Temp doesn't matter.

    Without any host in the pond the parasite will die off and the cycle broken.

    Do a big water change before you put the fish back in the pond after treating them.



  5. Ingredient you can add to make your own food are



    Raw prawns

    Spirulina powder

    Multi mineral and vitamin



    That all you need to grow nice big discus.

    If you are not prepared to do Waterchanges (daily) Do Not feed this because any uneaten will pollute the tank water causing stress to your fish and eventually killing them.

    Hope that help,


  6. Hi BK,

    Young Discus should be fed more than twice a day . Like Wok says WW is high in fat and once a day on it is alright. You have to feed other food for the rest of the feedings. Colorbits, beefheart, bloodworm, brineshrimp flakes.

    My fish get at least 6 feeding a day.



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