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  1. Thanks Amazonian - I checked out a place in Parramatta which also recommended that shop so I checked it out - It is awesome. There is another place in St Mary's which was really excellent for cichlidophiles. And I have also had the pleasure of seeing the Sydney Aquarium. That is spectacular. Man this is a huge country - No rainwater tho if thats what you use to do water changes :-?
  2. I have a few weeks to kill in Sydney while I await the next leg of my journey. What places do you recommend I check out so that I can "get a fix" of fish - as I don't have any fish at the mo. Thanks in advance
  3. I had one of those when I first started out - I found it difficult to use and to read accurately - It is cheap but you get what you pay for.
  4. Is it or was it on TV here Mooloo?
  5. Thats bad luck SS. Commiserations. Did you lose any fish?
  6. That looks like either a male or a female Feed it up on zuchinni and other good stuff - don't treat it as the cleanup crew. They start developing bristle's around 3 inches or 18 mths old.
  7. Would love to come but working as usual. Have a good time.
  8. Good for you gannet - with the price of coral sand you don't really want to be syphoning it down the drain.
  9. It does look like black beard but the pic is not that clear. Is it slimy or furry? If it is black beard there are lots of people here who will agree that flourish excel is the best stuff to treat with. Usually double dosing is recommended but you might be able to trial it at normal rates as no one else seems to have trialled that.
  10. Eggs maybe but once fry are free swimming they would have to be pretty hungry cory's to catch them. They are not hunters. They are bottom substrate feeders and use there delicate barbels to scavenge for food on and in the (hopefully) sand. I have kept 1 inch cory's in with 2 week old kribs with no problems. They helped keep the tank clean.
  11. Jansens Mt Eden usually have a few.
  12. Do you know how old he is evil?
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