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Suggestions please!


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I think :-? I have finally decided that my new 4' tank will become the home for my tiger barbs and red eye tetras!

While I'm waiting to get it set up, I've been looking to see what else I can put in with these guys.

As you all know I value your opions, so although I'm checking on the net, I would like to get your input.

One kind I'd like to have is the bala shark, but I've read somewhere that you should have at least 2 of these guys, what's your opinions?

What else would you suggest????

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I would select other barbs, tetras and rasboras. You need fast swimming fish to avoid being nibbled by the tiger barbs. Shoaling fish like rummy noses, golden barbs, cherry barbs, harlequins etc. Pentazona barbs look like tiger barbs but do not nip like the tigers. You could even add gouramis (not the dwarf variety). Avoid Buenos aires tetras if you want a planted tank :wink:

One bala shark will be fine on its own. They are easily startled though and may try to jump out of the tank so avoid sudden movements when you are near the tank. Also avoid sharp edges on decor as the shark may damage itself diving for cover.

Bristlenoses and corys for the bottom.

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Thanks Caryl

:( A lot of the fishies you mentioned, I can't get here :evil:

Might be able to get them somewhere on the mainland, not sure. But, I'm in no hurry haven't even decided on a stand yet, so I'm still just trying to get some ideas on types of fishies and decor 8)

I have the red eye tetras in with them, when I first had the barbs I noticed some fins of the tetras looking like they had been nipped. But, the tetras are all fine now :P

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